Amulet of Thailand

Amulets of Thailand are something that Thai people have worn for a long time. Thai people believe in amulets. They think that amulets can help people in life.

Amulet types

There are many amulet types including tiger, hanuman, lion, knife and lizard that are famous in Thailand. Each amulet is believed to have different effects. Many amulets are made by Thai monks.

Tiger amulets

Tiger amulets are made by Luang Por Parn at Wat Bang Hea. He first made an amulet by carving the tooth of a tiger. Luang Por Parn uses a spell to make the amulet. Thai people believe that Tiger amulets can give them superpowers if worn around the waist and neck. The Tiger of Luang Por Parn at Wat Bang Hea is famous in Thailand. Tiger amulets have a price between 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 baht, depending on their Beauty. [1]

Hanuman amulets

Hanuman amulets are made by Luang Por Sun at Wat Sa La Kun. He first made the amulet in B.E. 2468, using ivory. He is very famous for marking hanuman. He uses a spell for making hanuman. Thai people believe that hanuman amulets can make them merciful. They also think that amulets give them good luck in their jobs if worn around the waist or neck. Hanuman amulets made by Luang Por Sun at Wat Sa La Kun are famous in Thailand. Hanuman amulets have a price between 500,000 - 1,000,000 baht, depending on their Beauty. [2]

Lion amulets

Lion amulets are made by Luang Por Deim at Wat Nong Pho. He first made the amulet in B.E.2484, using ivory. He is very famous for his lions. He uses them to make a spell. Many people believe that lion amulet from Luang Por Deim at Wat Nong Pho can give them good luck in their jobs. Lion amulets can protect them from danger. Lion amulets have a price between 20,000 – 50,000 baht, depending on their beauty. [3]

Magic Knife amulets

Magic Knife amulets are made by Luang Por Deim at Wat Nong Pho. This monk is an expert in making magic knives. The knives of Luang Por Deim at Wat Nong Pho are believed by Thai people to ward off evil spirits. Magic knives have a price between 20,000 – 50,000 baht, depending on their size. [4]


How to use the amulet. You should select the amulet that is suitable for you. Tiger amulets are believed to give you superpowers if you carry them. Hanuman can make you invulnerable and merciful and promote fortune in your work when you carry it. The lion can protect you from danger when you carry it. The magic knife is suitable for people who fear evil spirits. Magic knife can protect from evil spirits when you carry it.
