E.T. (song)

"E.T." is a song by singer Katy Perry. It features rapper Kanye West. It was released 16 February 2011 and has a stomp-stomp-clap beat or rhythm similar to Queen's We Will Rock You. The Queen song has the band stamping their feet twice, and clapping once. [1] This single received mixed reviews by the music critics. The song is style from the electronic music genre with elements from teen pop, with the lyrics speaking of falling in love with a foreigner.[2]

E.T. (song) Media


  1. "AlbumReviews". jam.canoe.ca. Retrieved June 18, 2011.
  2. Barshad, Amos (November 9, 2010). "Katy Perry Blew Confetti Into Vulture's Beer Last Night". New York. New York: New York Media LLC. Retrieved February 25, 2011.