Maroon (color)

This box shows the color maroon.

Maroon is a dark red color.

The word maroon comes from the French word marron which means "chestnut".

The first recorded use of maroon as a color name in English was in 1789.[1]

Meaning of maroon

Tones of maroon color comparison chart

Name Color HEX Code Red Green Blue Hue Sat Lum Source
Bright Maroon #C32148 195 33 72 346° 71% 45% (Maroon (Crayola))
Rich Maroon #B03060 176 48 96 338° 57% 44% (Maroon (X11)) (web color)
Mystic Maroon #AD4379 173 67 121 329° 44% 47% (Crayola Silver Swirls)
Aztec Maroon #915F6D 145 95 109 343° 21% 47% (ISCC-NBS)
Dark Red #8B0000 139 0 0 000° 100% 27% (web color)
Maroon #800000 128 0 0 000° 100% 25% (HTML/CSS) (web color)
Tibetan Red #7B1113 125 52 67 359° 76% 27% (Pantone TPX 19-1934)
UP Maroon #7B1113 123 17 19 359° 76% 27% (University of the Philippines)
Catawba #703642 112 54 66 348° 35% 33% (Maerz & Paul)
Royal Maroon #5A3839 90 56 57 358° 23% 29% (British Standards BS 1-079)

Maroon (color) Media

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