
Oberblegisee is a lake in the canton of Glarus, Switzerland. It is above the municipality of Luchsingen and below the peaks of Glärnisch. The surface area is 0.17 square kilometres (0.066 sq mi).

Location Canton of Glarus
Coordinates 46°58′51″N 9°00′48″E / 46.98083°N 9.01333°E / 46.98083; 9.01333Coordinates: 46°58′51″N 9°00′48″E / 46.98083°N 9.01333°E / 46.98083; 9.01333
Basin  countries Switzerland
Surface area 0.17 square kilometres (0.066 sq mi)
Surface  elevation 1,422 metres (4,665 ft)

Other websites

  • Oberblegisee (in German) report on fishing in the lake
  • "Die 40 grössten Seen des Kantons Glarus" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-06-06. Retrieved 2018-07-11. (57.9 KiB) (in German)