Template:ISO 639 name to


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Template:ISO 639 name to is part of a series that resolves the ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-3 codes to language names.

It is used by {{Translated page}} with language code to, for example: {{Translated page |to |name of page at Tongan Wikipedia}}. This template is used to generate a link to the Tongan Wikipedia and could be used to include pages in Category:Pages translated from Tongan Wikipedia (may be created using {{Translated sub-cat |to}}).

Former usage

The following templates now use Module:Lang, which stores the language code and name data in Module:Language/data/iana languages, Module:Language/data/ISO 639-3, and Module:Language/data/wp languages.

See also

External links

  • "ISO 639-1 identifier: to". Library of Congress.