Template:Infobox basketball tournament at games/doc


{{Infobox basketball tournament at games
| type         = <!-- Olympics, Pan American Games, European Games, Asian Games, SEA Games -->
| city         = <!-- hosting city, UNLINKED -->
| year         =
| logo         = <!-- link to image (Image.ext) Note that this should not be the general Olympics logo. -->
| size         = <!-- custom image size (150px) -->
| games        = <!-- link to Olympics Games -->
| host         = <!-- full name of host nation, UNLINKED -->
| venue        = <!-- name of venue where tournament was held -->
| dates        = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}}–<br />{{End date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| men_teams    = <!-- number of men's teams participating in the tournament -->
| men_gold     = <!-- men's gold winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| men_silver   = <!-- men's silver winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| men_bronze   = <!-- men's bronze winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| women_teams  = <!-- number of women's teams participating in the tournament -->
| women_gold   = <!-- women's gold winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| women_silver = <!-- women's silver winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| women_bronze = <!-- women's bronze winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| website      = <!-- website URL (OPTIONAL) -->
| prev         =
| next         = 


Basketball at the 2004 Summer Olympics

Template:Infobox basketball tournament at games

{{Infobox basketball tournament at games
| type = Olympics
| city = Athens
| year = 2004
| logo = 
| size = 150
| games = [[2004 Summer Olympics]]
| host = Greece
| venue = [[Hellinikon Olympic Complex]]<br />[[Athens Olympic Sports Complex]]
| dates = {{Start date|2004|08|15|df=y}}–<br />{{End date|2004|08|28|df=y}}
| men_teams = 12
| men_gold = Argentina
| men_silver = Italy
| men_bronze = United States
| women_teams = 12
| women_gold = United States
| women_silver = Australia
| women_bronze = Russia
| website = www.athens2004.com/athens2004/page/legacy?lang=en&channel=Basketball
| prev = [[Basketball at the 2000 Summer Olympics|Sydney 2000]]
| next = [[Basketball at the 2008 Summer Olympics|Beijing 2008]]


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