Template:NYT topic/doc


Template:NYT topic generates an external link to a topic page at The New York Times website. It is intended for use in the external links section of an article.


Unnamed parameters (old ID)
{{NYT topic | ID }}
{{NYT topic | ID | NAME }}
Named parameters (old ID)
{{NYT topic | id= ID }}
{{NYT topic | id= ID | name= NAME }}
Named parameters (new ID)
{{NYT topic | new_id= ID }}
{{NYT topic | new_id= ID | name= NAME }}
Using Wikidata property (P3221)
{{NYT topic}}
{{NYT topic | name= NAME }}


  1. Find a New York Times topic page. The URL will need to look like https://www.nytimes.com/topic/XXXXXX (formerly http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/XXXXXX/index.html) where XXXXXX is the URL directory path portion to be used. The former URL uses a different string for XXXXXX than the current URL (see examples below).
  2. Provide the URL path portion as the template's first parameter. Do not include any leading or trailing slash.
  3. Provide an optional name as the second parameter. If no name is provided for the second parameter, the template will use the name of the Wikipedia article.


One parameter

Former URL (redirects to current URL)
Current URL
* {{NYT topic | organizations/t/taylor_paul_dance_co }}
* {{NYT topic | id= organizations/t/taylor_paul_dance_co }}
* {{NYT topic | new_id= organization/paul-taylor-dance-company }}

Two parameters

Former URL (redirects to current URL)
Current URL
* {{NYT topic | people/r/susan_e_rice | Susan Rice }}
* {{NYT topic | id= people/r/susan_e_rice | name= Susan Rice }}
* {{NYT topic | new_id= person/susan-rice | name= Susan Rice }}

No ID in template or Wikidata

* {{NYT topic}}


This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools; see the monthly parameter usage report for this template.

TemplateData for NYT topic

<templatedata> { "description": "This template generates an external link to a topic page at The Guardian website. It is intended for use in the external links section of an article.", "params": { "id": { "label": "Old ID", "aliases" : [ "1" ], "description": "The \"id\" parameter (or unnamed parameter \"1\") may be used to specify the ID portion of the former URL (which redirects to the current URL). Example: people/r/susan_e_rice is the ID in http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/r/susan_e_rice/index.html. This parameter is optional when using the \"new_id\" parameter or if Wikidata property P3221 exists, but required if not.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "new_id": { "label": "New ID", "description": "The \"new_id\" parameter may be used to specify the ID portion of the current URL. Example: person/susan-rice is the ID in https://www.nytimes.com/topic/person/susan-rice. This parameter is optional when using the \"id\" parameter or unnamed parameter \"1\" or if Wikidata property P3221 exists, but required if not.", "type": "string", "required": false, "default": "Wikidata property P3221" }, "name": { "label": "Name", "aliases" : [ "2" ], "description": "The \"name\" parameter (or unnamed parameter \"2\") may be used to specify the topic name, which is displayed in the link text. This parameter is optional; it defaults to the Wikipedia article name, without any disambiguation.", "type": "string", "required": false, "default": "NYT topic/doc" } }, "paramOrder": [ "id", "new_id", "name" ] } </templatedata>

Tracking categories

ID parameter does not exist

See also