
The Viperinae, or Viperines, are a subfamily of venomous Vipers in Europe, Asia and Africa.There are 12 genera and 66 species in this subfamily. Most are tropical and subtropical, although one species, the Vipera berus, even lives within the Arctic Circle.

Daboia russelii A Chawla01.jpg
Chain viper, Daboia elegans, a viperine
Scientific classification e
Unrecognized taxon (fix): Viperinae


Members of this subfamily range in size from the Namaqua Dwarf Adder, that grows to a maximum of 28 cm, to the Gaboon Viper that reaches a maximum length of over 2 m. Most species live on land, but a few, such as Atheris, live in trees.

Where they live

The Viperinae are found in Europe, Asia and Africa, but they are not found in Madagascar.


Most of the members of this subfamily are viviparous (ovoviviparous), meaning they give live birth, although a few, such as the Persian Horned viper, lay eggs.



Other websites

  Media related to Viperinae at Wikimedia Commons