Virgo (constellation)

Virgo is a zodiac constellation which lies on the celestial equator. It is between Leo (at west) and Libra (at east).This constellation is large; the constellation is the second biggest constellation you can see on the sky. Legends say Virgo is Astraea.

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List of stars in Virgo
Abbreviation: Vir
Genitive: Virginis
Right ascension: 13 h
Declination: −4°
Area: 1294 sq. deg. (2nd)
Main stars: 9, 15
Bayer/Flamsteed stars: 96
Stars known to have planets: 29
Bright stars: 3
Nearby stars: 10
Brightest star: Spica (α Vir) (0.98m)
Nearest star: Ross 128 ( ly)
Messier objects: 11
Meteor showers: Virginids
Mu Virginids
Bordering constellations: Boötes
Coma Berenices
Serpens Caput
Visible at latitudes between +80° and −80°
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of May
Virgo constellation

What you can see there

Virgo's most briliant and important star is Spica (α Virginis). This star helps to see Virgo. Other important stars are Zavijava (β Virginis), Porrima (ν Virginis) or Auva, also called Minelava.

Deep-sky notable objects

Because there is a galaxy cluster (the Virgo cluster) within its borders, this constellation is especially rich in galaxies.

Virgo (constellation) Media