147 (number)

147 is a natural number. It comes after 146 and before 148.


  • 147 is 3 × 49. Since 49 is 7 × 7, we can write 147 as 3 × 7 × 7.
  • 147 is a Harshad number. A Harshad number is a number that can be divided by the sum of its own digits. The sum of the digits in 147 is 1 + 4 + 7 = 12, and 147 ÷ 12 = 12.25 (some people use a different definition for Harshad numbers depending on the base or rules they use).


  • In the game of snooker, a 147 is the highest possible break in a standard frame (without special rules). It is sometimes called a “maximum break.” To make a 147 break, a player must pot all 15 red balls with 15 black balls, followed by all the color balls in order.

Other Facts

  • 147 often appears in transportation systems, like bus routes or train routes, in different cities around the world.
  • In some cultures, people like the number 147 because it can be linked to good luck in the number 7.

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