Central United States

Map of U.S. time zones between April 2, 2006, and March 11, 2007. The current situation is different only in that Pulaski County, Indiana, is now in the Eastern time zone and no longer in the Central Time Zone.

The Central United States is sometimes conceived as between the Eastern United States and Western United States as part of a three-region model, roughly coincident with the Midwestern United States plus the western and central portions of the Southern United States; the term is also sometimes used more or less as a synonym for the Midwest, leaving out all or most of the South.

The Census Bureau does not provide a standard definition of "Central" region of the United States, and organizations that need to subdivide the US are free to define a "Central" region to fit their needs.

References and other websites

  • Central Time Zone Midwest minus OH, MI, most of Indiana (seasonal), and westernmost fringes of Plains states; plus South minus South Atlantic states, eastern KY, eastern TN, but western FL is included.
  • YPO Only 6 central states of the Midwest, plus KY
  • CERI Archived 2002-09-13 at the Library of Congress Web Archives All of Midwest and South including MD, DE
  • NOAA Midwest minus OH, plus KY, CO, WY
  • HSUS Archived 2007-09-30 at the Wayback Machine Midwest minus ND, SD, KS, plus KY
  • USGS

Central United States Media

Archived 2007-08-20 at the Wayback Machine West North Central States, South Central United States, 4 eastern Mountain States