Classics or classical studies is a branch of the humanities which studies classical antiquity. It includes many fields of study such as history, philology, philosophy, history, art, languages, literature, and archaeology. In the Western world, it focuses on Mediterranean cultures such as ancient Greece and ancient Rome. A person who works in classical studies is called a classicist. The study of classical literature was traditionally the main focus of the humanities.
Classics Media
The Roman poet Catullus was virtually unknown during the medieval period, in contrast to his modern popularity.
The eighteenth-century classicist Friedrich August Wolf was the author of Prolegomena to Homer, one of the first great works of classical philology.
So influential was Socrates to classical philosophy that earlier philosophers are today known as pre-Socratics.
The Praeneste fibula is believed to bear the oldest known Latin inscription. The inscription means "Manius made me for Numerius".