Contact us

{{Wikipedia:Contact us/tabs|This=1}} Thank you for your interest in contacting Wikipedia.

Before continuing, there is some important information:

  1. Wikipedia is made by many volunteers, including you! Changes made to pages are not the responsibility of the Wikimedia Foundation or its staff. If you find problems on an article and you do not have a conflict of interest, you can change the page yourself! If you do have a conflict of interest you can ask at Simple talk or email the Email Help Team for help.
  2. If you want to learn more about Wikipedia itself, our about page may help.
  3. If you want to ask other users for help with changing or using Wikipedia, you can email the Email Help Team, ask at Simple talk, or ask on IRC.

There are links on the left that can help you find more information about specific questions. If you cannot find help there, you can email experienced volunteers at info-simple‐at‐, or ask at Simple talk.

This page is for the Simple English Wikipedia. If your question is about the English Wikipedia, please see en:Wikipedia:Contact us.