Dealul Mitropoliei
Dealul Mitropoliei (English: Metropolitan Hill) is a small hill in Bucharest, Romania.. It is also called Dealul Patriarhiei or "Patriarchate Hill". It is an important historic, cultural, architectural, religious and touristic point in the national capital. The Romanian Patriarchy and the residence of the Patriarch are here. Next to the Patriarchy there is a house (nr. 19) which is in the "National Architectural Patrimonial of Romania".
Dealul Mitropoliei Media
The pedestrian park of the Dealul Mitropoliei, pictured here looking downhill from the Alexander John Cuza Statue near the top
Bucharest at the beginning of the 19th century. Dealul Mitropoliei is in the centre of the drawing; Curtea Arsă to the left and Radu Vodă Monastery to the right (drawing by R. Bielitz)
Bucharest, seeing Palace of the Parliament, viewed from the top of Dealul Mitropoliei
The Statue of Alexandru Ioan Cuza