Defenestration of Prague
Defenestration of Prague is a term that is used for three different events:
- The First defenestration of Prague of 1419
- The Second defenestration of Prague of 1618
- The murder of Jan Masaryk, of 1948, sometimes called the Third defenestration of Prague
Defenestration Of Prague Media
1662 woodcut of the 1618 event, by engraver Matthäus Merian the Elder for chronicler Johann Philipp Abelin's Theatrvm Evropaevm
Vilem Slavata of Chlum, 1618 enamel on copper, by follower of Dominicus Custos
The Novoměstská radnice (lit. 'New Town Hall'), site of the 1419 defenestrations
Illustrated by Czech history painter Adolf Liebscher c. 1900
1844 illustration by Czech/Austrian painter Karel Svoboda
Pražská defenestrace roku 1618 by Czech painter Václav Brožík, 1890
Polyxena of Lobkowitz safeguarding royal officials Slavata and Martinic, thrown out of windows of the royal castle in Prague in 1618, by Brožík, c. 1880-1891