Ein or EIN can have different meanings:
- Employer Identification Number - a number assigned by the United States Internal Revenue Service to all employers.
- Ein means "a" or "one (of something)" in some Germanic languages for nouns with masculine or neuter grammatical gender in the nominative case. The feminine form is "eine". Example: in German "Ein Hund" is "A dog" ("eine Esche" is "an ash" (the tree)). Not to be confused with "eins," which means "(the number) one".
- Ein also means "a" and "one" in Faroese in the male and female grammatical genders but not in the neuter. Example "Ein hundur".
- Ein is a character in the Anime-series Cowboy Bebop.
- Ein is a character in the Anime series Phantom: Requiem from the Phantom