Fatimah bint Sa'd

Fatimah al-Bariqi.[1] (from Bariq of azdYemen), also known as Bariqiyyah , (born 340 CE)[2] was the mother of Kilab’s half-brothers Taym and Yaqazah (Ibn Ishaq named her Hind bint Harithah al-Bariqiyyah and also say Asma).[3][4]

  • Yaqaza was the father of Makhzum. (The three men whose names are highlighted were leaders of important tribes).[5]
  • Taym, ancestor of Abu Bakr


Fatimah Sa'dknow as Saad Ibn Uday Ibn Haritha Ibn Amr Mazikiee Ibn Aamr bin Haritha Algtarif bin Imru al-Qais Thailb bin Mazen Ibn Al-Azd Ibn Al-Ghoth Ibn Nabit Ibn Malik bin Zaid Ibn Kahlan Ibn Saba'a ( Sheba ) Ibn Yashjub Ibn Yarab Ibn Qahtan Ibn Hud (prophet) (Eber)) .
