The Game of Death (1972 movie)

(Redirected from Filmography The Game of Death (1972))

The Game of Death (死亡的遊戲) is an incomplete Hong Kong martial arts film, of 39 minutes filmed in 1972, directed, written, produced concorded (☯) by and starring Bruce Lee. In 1978 the Golden Harvest has released Game of Death and other Game of Death movies and books. The 1978 version uses portions of the original footage married to an entirely new plot. The revised version of the film uses only 11 minutes and 7 seconds of the footage from the original The Game of Death, but after 2000 the original version was distributed in movies and documentaries from various parts of the world (from the book Game Over! by Joe Kenney on Cityonfire).

Title Release date Notes on the original 1972 footage Running time of the original footage from 1972 Distribution Country
Bruce Lee, the Man and the Legend 14 October 1973 First appearance Trailer of 2 minutes Golden Harvest and Concorn Productions Ltd. British Hong Kong
Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey 22 October 2000 Bruce Lee's editing.
Little, John. Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey (book), McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-8092-9722-1
36 minutes and 40 seconds (23 exclusive minutes) Warner Bros U.S.A.
Bruce Lee in G.O.D 死亡的遊戯 25 November 2000 The longer scenes without Bruce Lee's editing 39 minutes ArtPort Japan
The Story 8 October 2001 The original storyline of The Game of Death.
Prequel and sequel of 1972 original footage.
Special features by Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey
Only a few seconds of the Guardians in the middle of the movie and Bruce Lee as Hai Tien in the closing credits Warner Bros U.S.A.
Game of Death Redux 19 July 2019 (first version)
2022 (second version)
Alan Canvan's editing.
Special features by Game of Death
34 minutes and 26 seconds The Criterion Collection and Orange Sky Golden Harvest U.S.A. and China
The Final Game of Death 17 July 2023 The documentary included 223-minute on the production of The Game of Death. Also all two hours of footage shot for the project by Lee before his death, restored from an interpositive. The documentary also includes an assembly of the footage, alongside a newly filmed introduction to cover the plot elements that were never shot. Arrow Films and Orange Sky Golden Harvest British