Florist's daisy
The Florist's daisy or the Hardy Garden Mum, (Chrysanthemum morifolium) or in (China Juhua) is a species of perennial plant from family Asteraceae. In Japan, Pink chrysanthemums are especially loved because they symbolize the emperor and the Imperial family. Pink chrysanthemums also represent longevity. Pink flowers, in general, carry feelings of gentle affection, attraction, and romance, making them a great choice for a first date or a new love.
Florist's Daisy Media
A yellow coloured florist's daisy, photographed in West Bengal, India.
En 1790, le pépiniériste Cels de Montrouge, envoya quelques pieds de chrysanthèmes pourpres en Angleterre. Ils étaient arrivés à Marseille en 1789, ramenés de Chine par le capitaine Blancard. Ils fleurirent en 1795 et une description et illustration de Curtis parut dans le Botanical Magazine en 1796