
The word Franciscan refers to followers of one of the religious orders that follow the Rule of St Francis. Saint Francis of Assisi lived in the 13th century. Franciscans usually lead simple lives without much money. Today, there are three main branches of these orders. They mostly see themselves as part of the Roman Catholic or Anglican Church. There are also small communities in the Old Catholic and Protestant Church.
Franciscan Media
Francis of Assisi, founder of the Order of Friars Minor; oldest known portrait in existence of Francis, dating back to his retreat to Subiaco (1223–1224)
Saint Francis Comforted by a Musician Angel, by Francisco Ribalta.
Regula bullata, the rule confirmed by Pope Honorius III
Dream of Innocent III and the Confirmation of the Rule of Saint Francis, Benozzo Gozzoli
Honorius III Approving the Rule of St. Francis of Assisi, Bartolome del Castro, c. 1500 (Philadelphia Museum of Art)
Anthony of Padua (c. 1195–1231) with the Infant Christ, painting by Antonio de Pereda (c. 1611–1678)
A Franciscan convent in Mafra in Portugal
Bonaventure (1221–1274), painting by Claude François (c. 1650–1660)
Franciscan friary in Katowice, Poland