Sir Gawain
Sir Gawain is a fictional character in the King Arthur stories. He is one of the most important Knights of the Round Table. His parents are Arthur's sister Morgause (or Anna) and King Lot. He is the main character of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a mediaeval fantasy poem. He is said to be Arthur's nephew. he appears very early on in the legend and has been mentioned in very early Welsh sources.
Sir Gawain Media
Galvagin (Gawain) depicted fighting Carrado (Carados) on the Italian Modena Archivolt (c. 1120–1240)
"Walewein" follows a flying checkboard in a 14th-century Dutch manuscript Roman van Walewein (en het schaakspel) Leiden University Libraries
"The Passing of Sir Gawaine", Howard Pyle's illustration from The Story of the Grail and the Passing of King Arthur (1910)
Parzival's Gawain in a capital relief at the Church of Saint-Pierre, Caen
John Tenniel's illustration for "The Song of Courtesy", George Meredith's take on Gawain and the Loathly Lady published in Once a Week magazine in 1859