Gotland is an island on the east coast of Sweden. It has a total area of 2,994 square km. It is also the biggest Swedish island. Visby is the biggest city on Gotland.
Gotland Media
Torsätra runestone (U 614) raised in memory of one of the Swedish king's tribute collectors who fell ill and died during a trip to Gotland. Swedish History Museum, Stockholm.
A part of the Spillings Hoard at Gotland Museum
Tofta Church, one of the island's many distinctive, well-preserved medieval churches.
This map of Gotland, Fårö and other outlying islands shows the islands' towns, villages and some other geographical details, and is likely the most comprehensive map of the islands in this respect that you'll find anywhere online. It has been stitched together from panels of Open Street Map (which is freely licensed to all) with details plotted by the uploader.
Rauks at Langhammars, Fårö
A Silurian reef complex