Houma Hunter Lime with Paint Maker

Houma Hunter Lime with Paint Maker is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Silence and published by Asmik Ace Entertainment, Inc, which was released in Japan in 1997.

Houma Hunter Lime with Paint Maker
Publisher(s)Asmik Ace
ReleaseJP February 21, 1997


Houma Hunter Lime with Paint Maker is a collection of 3 different stories & other one that will be unlocked playing the first 3 ones, the game also features a collection of images, music and even a colouring drawing game.


 Manufacturer's description:

Lime popular anime girl of strong performances Treasure Devil Hunter Lime ?Hell [digital animation in addition to the theme of a three story, high-performance drawing tools, special software was created and functions included shooting. And this title will appear in their original character lime to enjoy and create a digital picture-card show synchronized to the text.


  • First person perspective.
  • 2D graphics
  • Cartoon graphics
  • Devils, fantasy & Humour themes.