Kupferhof Bauschenberg

Dollartshammer, Kupferhof Bauschenberg and Straßburger Hof in the year 1880

The Kupferhof Bauschenberg was a brass producing factory built in the 17th century in the German city of Stolberg. It had a great influence on the brass industry which made Stolberg world leader in brass production for more than a century.

Due to the excellent conditions for the production of the alloy brass there could hardly be a better place to choose than Stolberg. Located near the small river Vichtbach the water wheels could easily be powerded. Calamine was delivered by the oar mines from nearby Breinigerberg and wood for firing the furnaces had been available in adequate quantities in the forests of the Eifel. This must be the reason why Gottfried Schardinel, one of the richest persons at that time in the region of Stolberg built the Kupferhof Bauschenberg.

Later the three factories Kupferhof Bauschenberg, Dollartshammer as well as Straßburger Hof fusionated to create the company Prym.


  • Karl Schleicher: Geschichte der Stolberger Messingindustrie. (=Beiträge zur Stolberger Geschichte und Heimatkunde, Heft 6, 1956, hsg. von der Stadtbücherei Stolberg (Rhld.)) {de}