List of colors by hue
This is a list of colors based on hue.
1st row: The 9 colors you are probably familiar with (except for Lavender) as web colors.
2nd row: Darker versions of the 9 above colors. Instead of lavender, Purple made it in as a web color. These are commonly used to compliment the above colors.
3rd row: Even darker versions usually used on their own.
4th row: These colors are rarely used and thus there is no consensus (agreement) as to what these colors should be named (except for Chocolate and Teal).
5th row: At 0 value, all hues will show black.
(brightness) |
Gray (no saturation) | Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Cyan | Blue | Purple | Magenta |
100 | White | Red | Orange | Yellow | Lime | Cyan | Blue | Lavender | Magenta |
75 | Silver | Crimson | Caramel | Gold | Green | Viridian | Azure | Purple | Fuchsia |
50 | Gray | Maroon | Brown | Olive | Forest | Aqua | Navy | Indigo | Violet |
25 | Dark Gray | Chocolate | Teal | ||||||
0 | Black | Black | Black | Black | Black | Black | Black | Black | Black |