List of heads of government of Andorra

The Head of Government is the main person in charge of the government of the Principality of Andorra.

The current Cap de Govern is Xavier Espot Zamora.

Heads of Government of Andorra (1982–present)

Elected Term of office Political Affiliation
Took office Left office Time in office
1 Òscar Ribas Reig
1981 8 January 1982 21 May 1984 2 years,

134 days

2 Josep Pintat-Solans
1985 21 May 1984 12 January 1990 5 years,

235 days

(1) Òscar Ribas Reig
12 January 1990 7 December 1994 4 years,

330 days

National Democratic Group
3 Marc Forné Molné
(born 1946)
7 December 1994 27 May 2005 10 years,

172 days

Liberal Party
4 Albert Pintat
(born 1943)
2005 27 May 2005 5 June 2009 4 years,

9 days

Liberal Party
5 Jaume Bartumeu
(born 1954)
2009 5 June 2009 28 April 2011 1 years,

327 days

Social Democratic Party
Pere López Agràs
(born 1971)
Acting Head of Government
28 April 2011 12 May 2011 14 days Social Democratic Party
6 Antoni Martí
(born 1963)
2011 12 May 2011 23 March 2015 3 years,

315 days

Democrats for Andorra
Gilbert Saboya Sunyé
(born 1966)
Acting Head of Government
23 March 2015 1 April 2015 9 days Democrats for Andorra
(6) Antoni Martí
(born 1963)
2015 1 April 2015 16 May 2019 4 years,

45 days

Democrats for Andorra
7 Xavier Espot Zamora
(born 1979)
16 May 2019 Incumbent

List Of Heads Of Government Of Andorra Media

5 years, 298 days

Democrats for Andorra

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