Mala Ilomska

Mala Ilomska is very short (around 2 km) right tributary of Ilomska – one of right tributaries of Ugar − in Central Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Skender Vakuf Municipality.

Mala Ilomska
Length2 km (1.2 mi)

This small river is formed from seven springs and streams at the Petrovo polje (Peter's field), on the southwestern slopes of the hill Omarike (1243 m). The min source is at an altitude of about 1230 m, and one of the registered is Bijeljino spring, near the hamlet of Nikodinovići. In addition to these, there are no significant tributaries.[1][2]

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  1. Vojnogeografski institut, Izd. (1962): Šiprage (List karte 1:25.000, Izohipse na 10 m). Vojnogeografski institut, Beograd.
  2. Mučibabić B., Ur. (1998): Geografski atlas Bosne i Hercegovine. Geodetski zavod BiH, Sarajevo, ISBN 9958-766-00-0.