Michael Shenstone

Michael Shenstone in 2012

Michael Shenstone (June 25, 1928 – September 9, 2019) was a Canadian politician.[1] He was born in Toronto. Shenstone was the Canadian ambassador to Saudi Arabia between 1974 and 1978 and to Austria from 1985 through 1990. He played a key role in releasing American hostages from Iran between 1979 through 1981.

Shenstone died in Mississauga, Ontario on September 9, 2019 at the age of 91.[2]


  1. Sandra Martin (2011-01-22). "Emissary opened Canada's Beijing embassy: Ambassador to Poland during the Solidarity uprising was a maestro of witty asides". The Globe and Mail. http://v1.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20110122.OBJOHNMFRASERATL/BDAStory/BDA/deaths/?pageRequested=2. Retrieved 2012-11-17. "Michael Shenstone, former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, and director-general of African and Middle Eastern Affairs, was Fraser's boss in the late 1970s.". 
  2. Michael Shenstone 1928-2019