Mixed number

The image is of 3 3/4 circles, which is a mixed number. If you were to write the number of circles as an improper fraction instead, it would be 15/4, or "fifteen quarters."

A mixed number (also called a mixed fraction) is a number which contains a whole number and a fraction added together. For instance 1 ½, in words "one and a half", is the same as 1 + ½, or "one plus one half." It is another way of writing 3/2 or "three over two" or "three halves", which is an improper fraction. Both ways of writing the number are correct.


Mixed number in plain text Mixed number in math notation Mixed number in words Equivalent improper fraction Equivalent decimal Picture Picture description
1 1/2 [math]\displaystyle{ 1 \frac{1}{2} }[/math] One and a half 3/2 1.5   The picture shows 1 ½ circles shaded in grey.
3 3/4 [math]\displaystyle{ 3 \frac{3}{4} }[/math] Three and three quarters 15/4 3.75   The picture shows [math]\displaystyle{ 3 \frac{3}{4} }[/math]circles shaded in grey.

Mixed Number Media