Module:CS1 translator
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:CS1 translator/doc
--[[ TODO: |título=Copia archivada -> |title=Archive copy? Other languages? TODO: make sure that citation bot doesn't improperly rename translatable templates; see $fix_it currently at ]] require ('strict'); local _month_xlate = require ('Module:Month translator')._month_xlate; local data = mw.loadData ('Module:CS1 translator/data'); local params_main_t = data.params_main_t; local params_dates_t = data.params_dates_t; local params_misc_dates_t = data.params_misc_dates_t; local params_identifiers_t = data.params_identifiers_t; local params_language_t = data.params_language_t; --[[--------------------------< I N _ A R R A Y >-------------------------------------------------------------- Whether needle is in haystack ]] local function in_array (needle, haystack) if needle == nil then return false; end for n, v in ipairs (haystack) do if v == needle then return n; end end return false; end --[[--------------------------< A R G S _ G E T >-------------------------------------------------------------- get parameter names and values into an associative table from <frame> (the parameters in the #invoke) and from the parent frame (the parameters in the calling template); set all parameter names (keys) to lower case, skip parameters with empty-string values, skip parameters with whitespace-only values, skip duplicate parameter names (parameter names in the #invoke frame have precedence over the same parameter name in the template frame). This replaces Module:Arguments.getArgs() because this allows us to set parameter names to lowercase; something that can't be done with getArgs() returns <count> (the number of parameters added to <args_t>) because #args_t doesn't always work ]] local function args_get (frame, args_t) local count = 0; for _, frame_t in ipairs ({frame, frame:getParent()}) do -- invoke frame first, then template frame for k, v in pairs (frame_t.args) do -- for each parameter in the <frames_t.args> associative table if 'string' == type (k) then -- ignore positional parameters k = mw.ustring.lower (k); -- set <k> lower here so we only do it once; ustring because if v and not (args_t[k] or ('' == v) or (v:match ('^%s$'))) then -- skip when <args_t[k]> already present, skip when <v> is empty-string, skip when <v> is whitespace args_t[k] = v; -- save k/v pair to in <args_t> count = count + 1; end end end end return count; -- return the number of parameters in <args_t> end --[[--------------------------< D A T E _ M A K E >------------------------------------------------------------ <args_t> - table of k/v pairs where k is the non-English parameter name and v is the assigned value from frame <params_dates_t> - table of k/v_t pairs where k is the date part and v_t is a sequence table of non-English date-holding parameter names <cite_args_t> - a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting if args_t[<date_param>] is set, translate month name (if necessary) else assemble and translate date from date parts args_t[<year_param>], args_t[<month_param>], args_t[<day_param>]. Resulting format is always dmy. Unset all date values after date created. add translated date as text string to <cite_args_t> sequence table month names in non-English |year= parameters that hold more than the year portion of a data (French |année=8 mars 2007 for example) are NOT transla ]] local function date_make (args_t, cite_args_t, params_dates_t) local date, year, month, day; if params_dates_t.date_t then -- TODO: is there a better way to do this? for _, v in ipairs (params_dates_t.date_t) do -- loop through the date-holding parameters date = args_t[v]; -- will be nil if not set if date then break end -- if set, we're done end end if params_dates_t.year_t then for _, v in ipairs (params_dates_t.year_t) do -- loop through the year-holding parameters -- may also hold month and or day year = args_t[v]; -- will be nil if not set if year then break end -- if set, we're done end end if params_dates_t.month_t then for _, v in ipairs (params_dates_t.month_t) do -- loop through the month-holding parameters month = args_t[v]; -- will be nil if not set if month then break end -- if set, we're done end end if params_dates_t.day_t then for _, v in ipairs (params_dates_t.day_t) do -- loop through the day-holding parameters day = args_t[v]; -- will be nil if not set if day then break end -- if set, we're done end end if date then date = _month_xlate ({date}); -- attempt translation elseif year then -- if 'year'; without year, any spurious 'month' and/or 'day' params meaningless; pass on as-is to cs1|2 for error handling if month then month = _month_xlate ({month}); -- if there is a month parameter, translate its value local date_parts_t = {day, month, year}; local date_t = {} for i=1, 3 do -- done this way because members of <date_parts_t> might be nil if date_parts_t[i] then -- if not nil table.insert (date_t, date_parts_t[i]); -- add to a temporary table end end date = table.concat (date_t, ' '); -- make the dmy date string else -- date = year; -- no date so make |date=<year> date = _month_xlate ({year}); -- attempt translation if non-English |year= has a month name end year = nil; -- unset no longer needed end local keys_t = {'date_t', 'year_t', 'month_t', 'day_t'}; for _, key in ipairs (keys_t) do -- loop through the keys_t sequence table if params_dates_t[key] then -- if there is a matching table for _, param in ipairs (params_dates_t[key]) do -- get each parameter name and args_t[param] = nil; -- unset because no longer needed end end end if date then table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({'date=', date})); -- create and save parameter-like string (without pipe) if year then table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({'year=', year})); -- do the same here; year because both |date= and |year= are allowed in cs1|2 end end end --[[--------------------------< M I S C _ D A T E _ M A K E >-------------------------------------------------- <args_t> - table of k/v pairs where k is the non-English parameter name and v is the assigned value from frame <cite_args_t> - a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting <in_lang> - language code index into the non-English parameter names table TODO: translate |orig-date=? can have a translatable date but can also have extraneous text ... At this writing, _month_xlate() expects only a date. ]] local function misc_date_make (args_t, cite_args_t, in_lang) local misc_date; for _, lang in ipairs ({in_lang, 'en'}) do -- first do non-English names then, because they might be present, look for English parameter names for param, en_param in pairs (data.params_misc_dates_t[lang]) do if args_t[param] then -- if the non-English parameter has a value misc_date = _month_xlate ({args_t[param]}); -- translate the date table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({en_param, '=', misc_date})); -- make the english parameter args_t[param] = nil; -- unset, consumed no longer needed end end end end --[[--------------------------< S E R I E S _ M A K E >-------------------------------------------------------- assemble the various 'series' parts into |series= series={{{Reihe|}}} {{{NummerReihe|}}} {{{BandReihe|}}} {{{HrsgReihe|}}} TODO: should this function be German only or does it need to allow other languages? is German the only language that combines multiple elements into |series=? ]] local function series_make (args_t, cite_args_t) local series_t = {}; local params = {'reihe', 'nummerreihe', 'bandreihe', 'hrsgreihe'}; for _, param in ipairs (params) do if args_t[param] then table.insert (series_t, args_t[param]); -- add to temp sequence table args_t[param] = nil; -- unset, no longer needed end end if 0 ~= #series_t then local series = table.concat (series_t, ', '); -- concatenate whichever parameters are present table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({'series=', series})); -- and make a parameter end end --[[--------------------------< I S X N _ M A K E >------------------------------------------------------------ make an |isbn= or |issn= parameter. This function applies ((accept-as-written)) markup when there is some sort of parameter equivalent to cs1|2's (now deprecated) |ignore-isbn-error= ]] local function isxn_make (args_t, cite_args_t, type, aliases_t, ignore_params_t, ignore_values_t) local isxn; local ignore_value; for _, v in ipairs (aliases_t) do -- loop through the aliases_t sequence table if args_t[v] then isxn = args_t[v]; end args_t[v] = nil; -- unset because no longer needed end for _, v in ipairs (ignore_params_t) do -- loop through the ignor_params_t sequence table if args_t[v] then ignore_value = args_t[v]; end args_t[v] = nil; -- unset because no longer needed end if isxn and ignore_value and (in_array (ignore_value, ignore_values_t) or ignore_values_t['*']) then -- <ignore_values_t> is a table values that evaluate to 'yes' or wildcard table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({type, '=((', isxn, '))'})); -- make parameter but accept this isxn as written end end --[[--------------------------< A T _ M A K E >---------------------------------------------------------------- makes |at= for those templates that have things like |column=. Not qualified by |page= or |pages= so that cs1|2 will emit an error message when both |at= and |page(s)= present. <aliases_t> is a sequence table of non-English parameter names <prefix> - text string that prefixes the value in <alias>; 'col. ' for example ]] local function at_make (args_t, cite_args_t, aliases_t, prefix) for _, alias in ipairs (aliases_t) do if args_t[alias] then table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({prefix, args_t[alias]})); end args_t[alias] = nil; -- unset, no longer needed end end --[[--------------------------< C H A P T E R _ M A K E _ F R >------------------------------------------------ make |chapter= from concatenation of chapter number (if present) and chapter name; chapter name else ]] local function chapter_make_fr (args_t, cite_args_t) local chapter = args_t['titre chapitre'] or args_t['chapitre']; if chapter and (args_t['numéro chapitre'] or args_t['numéro']) then -- when chapter numbers, concatenate number with chapter name chapter = (args_t['numéro chapitre'] or args_t['numéro']) .. ' ' .. chapter; table.insert (cite_args_t, 'chapter=' .. chapter); elseif chapter then table.insert (cite_args_t, 'chapter=' .. chapter); -- here when chapter without number end args_t['titre chapitre'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t['chapitre'] = nil; args_t['numéro chapitre'] = nil; args_t['numéro'] = nil; end --[[--------------------------< I D _ M A K E >---------------------------------------------------------------- make a comma separated list of identifiers to be included in |id= <params_identifiers_t> is a sequence table of sequence tables where: [1] is the non-English parameter name normalized to lower case [2] is the associated wikitext label to be used in the rendering [3] is the url prefix to be attached to the identifier value from the template parameter [4] is the url postfix to be attached to the identifier value ]] local function id_make (frame, args_t, cite_args_t, params_identifiers_t) local id_t = {}; local value; for _, identifier_t in ipairs (params_identifiers_t) do if args_t[identifier_t[1]] then -- if this identifier parameter has a value local value_t = {} if identifier_t[2] then -- if there is a label (all except |id= should have a label) table.insert (value_t, identifier_t[2]); -- the label table.insert (value_t, ': '); -- the necessary punctuation and spacing if identifier_t[3] then -- if an extlink prefix table.insert (value_t, '['); -- open extlink markup table.insert (value_t, identifier_t[3]); -- the link prefix table.insert (value_t, args_t[identifier_t[1]]); -- the identifier value if identifier_t[4] then -- postfix? table.insert (value_t, identifier_t[4]); -- the link postfix end table.insert (value_t, ' '); -- require space between url and label table.insert (value_t, args_t[identifier_t[1]]); -- the identifier value as label table.insert (value_t, ']'); -- close extlink markup else table.insert (value_t, args_t[identifier_t[1]]); -- the identifier value end else table.insert (value_t, args_t[identifier_t[1]]); -- no label so value only end table.insert (id_t, table.concat (value_t)); -- add to temp sequence table args_t[identifier_t[1]] = nil; -- unset, no longer needed end end if 0 ~= #id_t then local id = table.concat (id_t, ', '); -- concatenate whichever parameters are present into a comma-separated list table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({'id=', id})); -- and make a parameter end end --[[--------------------------< T I T L E _ M A K E _ F R >---------------------------------------------------- join |title= with |subtitle= to make new |title= ]] local function title_make_fr (args_t, cite_args_t) local title = args_t['titre']; -- get the 'required' title parameter args_t['titre'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed if not title then title = args_t['titre original'] or args_t['titre vo']; -- if |titre= empty or missing use one of these 'aliases' args_t['titre original'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t['titre vo'] = nil; end if title then -- only when there is a title if args_t['sous-titre'] then -- add subtitle if present title = title .. ': ' .. args_t['sous-titre']; args_t['sous-titre'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed end table.insert (cite_args_t, 'title=' .. (title or '')); -- add to cite_args_t end end --[[--------------------------< T I T L E _ M A K E _ P T >---------------------------------------------------- join |title= with |subtitle= to make new |title= ]] local function title_make_pt (args_t, cite_args_t) local title = args_t['título'] or args_t['titulo'] or args_t['titlo']; -- get the 'required' title parameter args_t['título'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t['titulo'] = nil; args_t['titlo'] = nil; if not title then return end if args_t['subtítulo'] or args_t['subtitulo'] then -- add subtitle if present title = title .. ': ' .. (args_t['subtítulo'] or args_t['subtitulo']); args_t['subtítulo'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t['subtitulo'] = nil; end table.insert (cite_args_t, 'title=' .. (title or '')); -- add to cite_args_t end --[[--------------------------< U R L _ S T A T U S _ M A K E >------------------------------------------------ <aliases_t> is a sequence table of |dead-url= parameter aliases <no_values_t> is a table of k/v pairs where k is a valid parameter value that means 'no' as in |dead-url=no (ie |url-status=live) ]] local function url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, aliases_t, no_values_t) for _, alias in ipairs (aliases_t) do -- loop through the aliases_t sequence table if args_t[alias] and no_values_t[args_t[alias]] then -- if the alias has a value and the value equates to 'no' table.insert (cite_args_t, 'url-status=live') end args_t[alias] = nil; -- unset because no longer necessary end end --[[--------------------------< U R L _ A C C E S S _ M A K E >------------------------------------------------ <aliases_t> is a sequence table of |subscription= or |registration= parameter aliases <values_t> is a table of k/v pairs where k is a valid parameter value that means 'yes' as in |subscription=yes (ie |url-access=subscription) <values_t> can have a wildcard ('*'=true) which indicates that anything assigned to |subscription= or |registration= is sufficient ]] local function url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, type, aliases_t, values_t) for _, alias in ipairs (aliases_t) do -- loop through the aliases_t sequence table if in_array (args_t[alias], values_t) or (args_t[alias] and values_t['*']) then -- if the alias has a value and the value equates to 'yes' or the wildcard if 'subscription' == type then table.insert (cite_args_t, 'url-access=subscription') else table.insert (cite_args_t, 'url-access=registration') end end args_t[alias] = nil; -- unset because no longer necessary end end --[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ T A G _ G E T >---------------------------------------------- Test <lang> to see if it is a known language tag. If it is, return <lang>. When <lang> not a known language tag, search through <known_langs_t> for <lang> as a language name; if found return the associated language tag; <lang> else. ]] local function language_tag_get (known_langs_t, lang) if mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag (lang) then return lang; -- <lang> is a known language tag ('en', 'da', etc); return the tag end local lang_lc = lang:lower(); -- make lowercase copy for comparisons for tag, name in pairs (known_langs_t) do -- loop through <known_langs_t> if lang_lc == name:lower() then -- looking for <lang_lc> return tag; -- found it, return the associated language tag end end return lang; -- not a known language or tag; return as is end --[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ M A K E >---------------------------------------------------- this function looks at <lang_param_val> to see if it is a language tag known by WikiMedia. If it is a known language tag, adds |language=<lang_param_val> to cite_args_t and unsets args_t[<lang_param>]. when <lang_param_val> is not a known language tag, fetches a k/v table of known language tags and names from MediaWiki for the <in_lang> language (a language tag) where 'k' is a language tag and 'v' is the associated language name. searches that table for <lang_param_val>. If found, adds |language=<tag> to cite_args_t and unsets args_t[<lang_param>] this function takes no action and returns nothing when <lang_param_val> is not known. language names are expected to be properly capitalized and spelled according to the rules of the source wiki so the match must be exact. ]] local function language_make (args_t, cite_args_t, in_lang, lang_params_t) local lang_param; local lang_param_val; for _, v in ipairs (lang_params_t[in_lang]) do -- loop through the list of 'language' parameters supported at <in_lang>.wiki if args_t[v] then -- if this parameter has a value lang_param = v; -- save the parameter name lang_param_val = args_t[v]; -- save the parameter value end args_t[v] = nil; -- unset not needed; if multiple 'language' parameters set, we use the 'last' one end if not lang_param_val then return; -- no 'language' parameter in this template so done end local known_langs_t = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames (in_lang, 'all'); -- get k/v table of language names from MediaWiki for <in_lang> language; (k/v pair is ['tag'] = 'name') local tag = language_tag_get (known_langs_t, lang_param_val); -- returns valid language tag or content of <lang_param_val> table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({'language=', tag})); -- prefer the 'tag' because that is more translatable args_t[lang_param] = nil; -- unset because no longer needed end --[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ M A K E _ P T >---------------------------------------------- Special case for pt which supports some 'language' parameters that are not enumerated and some 'language' parameters that are enumerated. Inspects the non-enumerated parameters |codling=, |in=, and |ling=; if any set, return the value. If none of the non-enumerated parameters are set, inspect the enumeratable parameters |idioma=, |língua=, |lingua= in that order. Collects the value from one of the non-enumerated parameters and returns that value or collects all of the values from one set of the enumeratable parameters and returns only that set of languages. If other non-enumerated parameters have values or other enumeratable parameter sets have values, they are ignored so that the template will emit unrecognized parameter errors for the improper mixture of parameter names. TODO: possible to share this with pl? ]] local function language_make_pt (args_t, cite_args_t) local known_langs_t = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames ('pt', 'all'); -- get a table of known language names and tags for Portuguese local language; for _, lang_param in ipairs ({'codling', 'in', 'ling'}) do -- non-enumerated language parameters if args_t[lang_param] then language = args_t[lang_param]; args_t[lang_param] = nil; return language_tag_get (known_langs_t, language); -- attempt to get a language tag; return tag or <language> end end local langs_t = {}; for _, lang_param in ipairs ({'idioma', 'língua', 'lingua'}) do -- for each set of enumeratable language parameters local i=1; -- make an enumerator while 1 do -- loop forever if i == 1 then if args_t[lang_param] or args_t[lang_param..i] then -- if non-enumerated or its enumerated alias table.insert (langs_t, (args_t[lang_param] or args_t[lang_param..i])); -- prefer non-enumerated args_t[lang_param] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t[lang_param..i] = nil; else break; -- no <lang_param> or <lang_param1> parameters; break out of while end elseif args_t[lang_param..i] then table.insert (langs_t, args_t[lang_param..i]); args_t[lang_param..i] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed elseif 0 ~= #langs_t then -- here when <lang_param..(i-1)> but no <lang_param..i> for i, lang in ipairs (langs_t) do -- loop through <langs_t> and langs_t[i] = language_tag_get (known_langs_t, lang); -- attempt to get a language tag; returns tag or <lang> end return table.concat (langs_t, ', '); -- make a string and done else break; -- no <lang_param .. i> parameter; break out of while; should not get here end i = i + 1; -- bump the enumerator end end end --[[--------------------------< N A M E _ L I S T _ S T Y L E _ M A K E >-------------------------------------- <aliases_t> is a sequence table of |name-list-style= parameter aliases <values_t> is a table of k/v pairs where 'k' is is the non-English parameter value and 'v' is its translation for parameters that are |last-author-amp= translations, in the function call write: {['*'] = 'amp'} ]] local function name_list_style_make (args_t, cite_args_t, aliases_t, values_t) for _, alias in ipairs (aliases_t) do -- loop through the aliases_t sequence table if args_t[alias] and (values_t[args_t[alias]] or values_t['*']) then -- if the alias has a recognized value table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({'name-list-style=', values_t[args_t[alias]] or values_t['*']})); end args_t[alias] = nil; -- unset because no longer necessary end end --[[--------------------------< R E N D E R >------------------------------------------------------------------ common renderer that translates parameters (after special case translations) and then renders the cs1|2 template ]] local function render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t, params_main_t, template) local out_t = {} -- associative table for frame:expandTemplate local expand = args_t.expand; -- save content of |expand= to render a nowiki'd version of the translated template args_t.expand = nil; -- unset so we don't pass to cs1|2 for param, val in pairs (args_t) do -- for each parameter in the template if val and ('subst' ~= param) then -- when it has an assigned value; skip '|subst=subst:' (from AnomieBOT when it substs the cs1 template) local enum = param:match ('%d+'); -- get the enumerator if <param> is enumerated; nil else local param_key = param:gsub ('%d+', '#'); -- replace enumerator with '#' if <param> is enumerated if params_main_t[param_key] then -- if params_main_t[<param_key>] maps to a cs1|2 template parameter local en_param = params_main_t[param_key]; if enum then en_param = en_param:gsub ('#', enum); -- replace '#' in enumerated cs1|2 parameter with enumerator from non-English parameter end table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({en_param, '=', val})); -- use the cs1|2 parameter with enumerator if present else table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({param, '=', val})); -- use non-English param end end end if expand then -- to see the translation as a raw template, create a nowiki'd version table.sort (cite_args_t); -- sort so that the nowiki rendering is pretty local xlation = table.concat ({'{{', template, ' |', table.concat (cite_args_t, ' |'), '}}'}); -- the template string xlation = frame:callParserFunction ({name='#tag', args={'nowiki', xlation}}); -- apply nowiki return table.concat ({'<code>', xlation, '</code>'}); -- wrap in code tags and done end for _, arg in ipairs (cite_args_t) do -- spin through the sequence table of parameters local param, val = arg:match ('^([^=]+)=(.+)'); -- split parameter string if nil == param then error (mw.dumpObject (cite_args_t)) end out_t[param] = val; -- and put the results in the output table end local xlated_msg = '<!-- auto-translated by Module:CS1 translator -->'; return table.concat ({frame:expandTemplate ({title=template, args=out_t}), xlated_msg}); -- render {{<template>}} template with translated parameters end --[[--------------------------< D A T E S _ A N D _ L A N G U A G E >------------------------------------------ date and language parameter functions utilized for almost all translations (pl and pt support enumerated language parameters) ]] local function dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, in_lang) date_make (args_t, cite_args_t, params_dates_t[in_lang]); -- assemble and translate |date= misc_date_make (args_t, cite_args_t, in_lang); language_make (args_t, cite_args_t, in_lang, params_language_t); -- translate language from German to appropriate language tag end --[[=========================<< C O M B I N E D _ F U N C T I O N S >>========================================= ]] --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ C A >-------------------------------------------------------------- Common function to implement: {{cite web/Catalan}} (ca:Plantilla:Ref-web) ]] local function _cite_ca (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'ca'); -- translate dates and language parameters return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ N E W S _ C A >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite news/Catalan}} ]] local function cite_news_ca (frame) return _cite_ca (frame, 'cite news/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ C A >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Catalan}} ]] local function cite_web_ca (frame) return _cite_ca (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ D A >-------------------------------------------------------------- <includeonly>{{safesubst:<noinclude />#invoke:Sandbox/trappist_the_monk/Literatur|cite_journal_da}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude> Common function to implement: {{cite book/Danish}} (da:Skabelon:Kilde bog) {{cite journal/Danish}} (da:Skabelon:Kilde ) {{cite web/Danish}} (da:Skabelon:Kilde www) ]] local function _cite_da (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'da'); -- translate dates and language parameters url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'dead-url', 'deadurl', 'dødtlink', 'dødlenke', 'deadlink', 'død-lenke'}, {['no'] = true, ['nej'] = true}); url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'subscription', {'subscription', 'abonnement'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'ja', 'sand', 'j'}); url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'registration', {'registration'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'ja', 'sand', 'j'}); isxn_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'isbn', {'isbn', 'isbn13'}, {'ignorer-isbn-fejl', 'ignoreisbnerror', 'ignore-isbn-error'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'ja', 'sand', 'j'}); return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t, params_main_t.da, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ D A >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/Danish}} ]] local function cite_book_da (frame) return _cite_da (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ D A >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/Danish}} ]] local function cite_journal_da (frame) return _cite_da (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ D A >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Danish}} This function called by intermediate function cite_web_da_no() because and both use {{kilde www}} ]] local function cite_web_da (frame) return _cite_da (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ D E >-------------------------------------------------------------- implements {{Literatur}} (de:Vorlage:Literatur), {{Cite web/German}} (de:Vorlage:Internetquelle) ]] local function _cite_de (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'de'); -- translate dates and language parameters series_make (args_t, cite_args_t); -- assemble |series= local isxn; for _, param in ipairs ({'isbnformalfalsch', 'isbndefekt'}) do -- these two parameters take a 'broken' but valid isbn if args_t[param] then isxn = table.concat ({'isbn=((', args_t[param], '))'}); -- create |isbn=((<broken isbn>)) end args_t[param] = nil; -- unset because no longer needed end if isxn then table.insert (cite_args_t, isxn); -- save the parameter end if args_t['issnformalfalsch'] then -- these parameter takes a 'broken' but valid issn isxn = table.concat ({'issn=((', args_t['issnformalfalsch'], '))'}); -- create |issn=((<broken issn>)) table.insert (cite_args_t, isxn); -- save the parameter end args_t['issnformalfalsch'] = nil; -- unset because no longer needed at_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'Spalten'}, 'col. '); -- assemble |at=col. ... id_make (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,; -- assemble |id= if args_t.hrsg then if template == 'cite web/subst' then -- cite web/German has different meaning from in de:Vorlage:Literatur (cite book/German) table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({'publisher=', args_t.hrsg})); else -- different meaning from the meaning of this same parameter in de:Vorlage:Internetquelle (cite web/German) table.insert (cite_args_t, table.concat ({'editor=', args_t.hrsg})); end args_t.hrsg = nil; -- unset, no longer needed end if args_t.offline then args_t.offline = nil; -- any value means |url-status=dead; there is no form of this param that means |url-status=live; so just unset end return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ D E >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/German}} ]] local function cite_book_de (frame) return _cite_de (frame, 'citation/subst'); -- TODO: change this to 'cite book/German'? end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ D E >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/German}} ]] local function cite_web_de (frame) return _cite_de (frame, 'cite web/subst'); -- TODO: change this to 'cite book/German'? end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ E S >-------------------------------------------------------------- implements {{Cita libro}} (:es:Plantilla:Cita_libro) ]] local function _cite_es (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'es'); -- translate dates and language parameters url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'urlmuerta'}, {['no'] = true}); url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'subscription', {'suscripción', 'subscription'}, {['*'] = true}); url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'registration', {'registration', 'requiere-registro', 'requiereregistro', 'registro'}, {['*'] = true}) isxn_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'isbn', {'isbn', 'isbn13'}, {'ignore-isbn-error', 'ignoreisbnerror'}, {['*'] = true}); -- |ignore-isbn-error=<anything> name_list_style_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'ampersand', 'lastauthoramp', 'last-author-amp'}, {['*']='amp'}); return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ E S >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cita book}} (Spanish: {{cita libro}}) ]] local function cite_book_es (frame) return _cite_es (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ E S >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cita publicación}} (es:Plantilla:Cita publicación) ]] local function cite_journal_es (frame) return _cite_es (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ N E W S _ E S >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cita news}} (Spanish: {{cita noticia}}) ]] local function cite_news_es (frame) return _cite_es (frame, 'cite news/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ E S >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cita web}} (Spanish: {{cita web}}) ]] local function cite_web_es (frame) return _cite_es (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ F I >-------------------------------------------------------------- implements {{Kirjaviite}} :fi:Malline:Kirjaviite ]] local function _cite_fi (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'fi'); -- translate dates and language parameters at_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'palsta', 'palstat'}, 'col. ') return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ F I >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/Finnish}} ]] local function cite_book_fi (frame) return _cite_fi (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ F I >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/Finnish}} ]] local function cite_journal_fi (frame) return _cite_fi (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ F I >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Finnish}} ]] local function cite_web_fi (frame) return _cite_fi (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ F R >-------------------------------------------------------------- implements {{cite book/French}} (:fr:Modèle:Ouvrage) ]] local function _cite_fr (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'fr'); -- translate dates and language parameters if template:find ('book', 1, true) then chapter_make_fr (args_t, cite_args_t) else if args_t['numéro'] then cite_args_t.issue = args_t['numéro']; args_t['numéro'] = nil; end end title_make_fr (args_t, cite_args_t); if args_t['accès url'] then local values = {['inscription'] = 'subscription', ['payant'] = 'subscription', ['limité'] = 'limited', ['libre'] = 'libre'}; -- 'libre' not supported; include it to get the error message table.insert (cite_args_t, 'url-access=' .. (values[args_t['accès url']] or args_t['accès url'])); args_t['accès url'] = nil; end url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'dead-url'}, {['no'] = true, ['non'] = true}); if 'oui' == args_t['et al.'] or 'oui' == args_t['et alii'] then -- accepted value 'oui'; special case |display-authors=etal table.insert (cite_args_t, 'display-authors=etal'); args_t['et al.'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t['et alii'] = nil; end if args_t['isbn erroné'] then table.insert (cite_args_t, 'isbn=((' .. args_t['isbn erroné'] .. '))'); -- apply accept-as-written markup args_t['isbn'] = nil; -- can't have |isbn= and |isbn erroné= args_t['isbn erroné'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed end local volume; if args_t['titre volume'] or args_t['tome'] then if args_t['tome'] then volume = args_t['tome']; -- begin with volume 'number' end if volume then volume = volume .. ' ' .. args_t['tome']; -- append volume 'title' else volume = args_t['titre volume']; -- just volume 'title' end args_t['titre volume'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t['tome'] = nil; end id_make (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,; -- assemble |id= if args_t['pages'] then args_t['pages'] = nil; -- unset; alias of |pages totales=; no equivalent in cs1|2 end return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ F R >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/French}} ]] local function cite_book_fr (frame) return _cite_fr (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ F R >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/French}} ]] local function cite_journal_fr (frame) return _cite_fr (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ F R >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/French}} ]] local function cite_web_fr (frame) return _cite_fr (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ I T >-------------------------------------------------------------- implements {{Cita libro}} (:it:Template:Cita_libro) ]] local function _cite_it (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'it'); -- translate dates and language parameters url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'urlmorto'}, {['no'] = true}); url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'subscription', {'richiestasottoscrizione'}, {['*'] = true}); -- |richiestasottoscrizione=<anything> -> |url-access=subscription isxn_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'isbn', {'isbn', 'isbn13'}, {'ignoraisbn'}, {['*'] = true}); -- |ignore-isbn-error=<anything> name_list_style_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'lastauthoramp'}, {['*']='amp'}); -- listed in ~/Whitelist and ~/Configuration but not supported in main module if args_t['etal'] then -- apparently any value (typically 's', 'sì', or 'si'); rather like |display-authors=etal table.insert (cite_args_t, 'display-authors=etal'); args_t['etal'] = nil; end if args_t['etalcuratori'] then table.insert (cite_args_t, 'display-editors=etal'); args_t['etalcuratori'] = nil; end return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ I T >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/Italian}} it:Template:Cita libro ]] local function cite_book_it (frame) return _cite_it (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ I T >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/Italian}} it:Template:Cita pubblicazione ]] local function cite_journal_it (frame) return _cite_it (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ N E W S _ I T >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite news/Italian}} it:Template:Cita news ]] local function cite_news_it (frame) return _cite_it (frame, 'cite news/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ I T >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Italian}} it:Template:Cita web ]] local function cite_web_it (frame) return _cite_it (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ N L >-------------------------------------------------------------- <includeonly>{{safesubst:<noinclude />#invoke:Sandbox/trappist_the_monk/Literatur|cite_journal_nl}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude> Common function to implement: {{cite book/Dutch}} (nl:Sjabloon:Citeer boek) {{cite journal/Dutch}} (nl:Sjabloon:Citeer journal) {{cite web/Dutch}} (nl:Sjabloon:Citeer) ]] local function _cite_nl (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'nl'); -- translate dates and language parameters url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'deadurl', 'dead-url', 'dodeurl', 'dode-url'}, {['no'] = true, ['nee'] = true}); id_make (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,; -- assemble |id= return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N _ N L >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{citation/Dutch}} ]] --local function cite_book_nl (frame) -- return _cite_nl (frame, 'citation/subst'); --end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ N L >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/Dutch}} ]] local function cite_book_nl (frame) return _cite_nl (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ N L >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/Dutch}} ]] local function cite_journal_nl (frame) return _cite_nl (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ N L >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Dutch}} ]] local function cite_web_nl (frame) return _cite_nl (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ P L >-------------------------------------------------------------- <includeonly>{{safesubst:<noinclude />#invoke:Sandbox/trappist_the_monk/Literatur|cite_journal_pl}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude> Common function to implement: {{citation/Polish}} (pl:Szablon:Cytuj) {{cite book/Polish}} (pl:Szablon:Cytuj książkę) {{cite journal/Polish}} (pl:Szablon:Cytuj pismo) {{cite web/Polish}} (pl:Szablon:Cytuj stronę) ]] local function _cite_pl (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases date_make (args_t, cite_args_t,; -- assemble and translate |date= misc_date_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'pl'); if 'tak' == args_t['odn'] then -- |ref=tak is more-or-less the same as |ref=harv at args_t['odn'] = nil; -- unset because superfluous at end if args_t['tom'] or args_t['tytuł tomu'] then local volume; if args_t['tom'] then volume = args_t['tom']; end if args_t['tytuł tomu'] then if volume then volume = volume .. ' ' .. args_t['tytuł tomu']; else volume = args_t['tytuł tomu']; end end if volume then table.insert (cite_args_t, 'volume=' .. volume); args_t['tom'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t['tytuł tomu'] = nil; end end local i=1; -- make a counter local language; while 1 do -- loop forever TODO: same enough as pt to combine with language_make_pt()? if i == 1 then if args_t['język'] or args_t['język1'] then -- if non-enumerated or its enumerated alias language = args_t['język'] or args_t['język1']; -- prefer non-enumerated args_t['język'] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed args_t['język1'] = nil; else break; end elseif args_t['język'..i] then language = language .. ', ' .. args_t['język'..i]; args_t['język'..i] = nil; -- unset as no longer needed else break; end i = i + 1; -- bump the counter end if language then table.insert (cite_args_t, 'language=' .. language); end return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N _ P L >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{citation/Polish}} ]] local function citation_pl (frame) return _cite_pl (frame, 'citation/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ P L >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/Polish}} ]] local function cite_book_pl (frame) return _cite_pl (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ P L >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/Polish}} ]] local function cite_journal_pl (frame) return _cite_pl (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ P L >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Polish}} ]] local function cite_web_pl (frame) return _cite_pl (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ P T >-------------------------------------------------------------- Common function to implement: {{citation/Portuguese}} (pt:Predefinição:Citation) {{cite book/Portuguese}} (pt:Predefinição:Citar livro) {{cite journal/Portuguese}} (pt:Predefinição:Citar periódico) {{cite news/Portuguese}} (pt:Predefinição:Citar jornal) {{cite web/Portuguese}} (pt:Predefinição:Citar web) ]] local function _cite_pt (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases date_make (args_t, cite_args_t,; -- assemble and translate |date= misc_date_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'pt'); title_make_pt (args_t, cite_args_t); -- join |title= with |subtitle= to make new title url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'datali', 'dead-url', 'deadurl', 'li', 'ligação inactiva', 'ligação inativa', 'urlmorta'}, {['no'] = true, ['não'] = true}); local language = language_make_pt (args_t, cite_args_t); -- get string of language tags and/or unknown language names (or nil if no language parameters) if language then table.insert (cite_args_t, 'language=' .. language); end return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N _ P T >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{citation/Portuguese}} ]] local function cite_book_pt (frame) return _cite_pt (frame, 'citation/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ P T >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/Portuguese}} ]] local function cite_book_pt (frame) return _cite_pt (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ P T >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/Portuguese}} ]] local function cite_journal_pt (frame) return _cite_pt (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ N E W S _ P T >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite news/Portuguese}} ]] local function cite_news_pt (frame) return _cite_pt (frame, 'cite news/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ P T >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Portuguese}} ]] local function cite_web_pt (frame) return _cite_pt (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ S V >-------------------------------------------------------------- <includeonly>{{safesubst:<noinclude />#invoke:Sandbox/trappist_the_monk/Literatur|cite_journal_sv}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude> Common function to implement: {{cite book/Swedish}} (sv:Mall:Bokref) {{cite journal/Swedish}} (sv:Mall:Tidskriftsref) {{cite web/Swedish}} (sv:Mall:Webbref) ]] local function _cite_sv (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'sv'); -- translate dates and language parameters name_list_style_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'författarsep'}, {['*'] = 'amp'}); id_make (frame, args_t, cite_args_t, return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N _ S V >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{citation/Swedish}} ]] --local function citation_sv (frame) -- return _cite_sv (frame, 'citation/subst'); --end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ S V >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite book/Swedish}} ]] local function cite_book_sv (frame) return _cite_sv (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ S V >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/Swedish}} ]] local function cite_journal_sv (frame) return _cite_sv (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ S V >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Swedish}} ]] local function cite_web_sv (frame) return _cite_sv (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[=========================<< C I T E B O O K F U N C T I O N S >>======================================= ]] --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ R U >------------------------------------------------------ implements {{Книга}} (:ru:Шаблон:Книга) ]] local function cite_book_ru (frame) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'ru'); -- translate dates and language parameters at_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'столбцы'}, 'col. ') return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, 'cite book/subst'); -- now go render the citation end --[[=========================<< C I T E W E B F U N C T I O N S >>========================================= ]] --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ N O >-------------------------------------------------------------- implements {{cite book/Norwegian}} (:no:Mal:Kilde bok) {{cite journal/Norwegian}} (:no:Mal:Kilde artikkel) {{cite web/Norwegian}} (:no:Mal:Kilde www) ]] local function _cite_no (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'no'); -- translate dates and language parameters url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'død-lenke', 'dødlenke'}, {['no'] = true, ['nei'] = true}); url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'subscription', {'abonnement', 'abb'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'ja'}); -- for |subscription= url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'registration', {'registrering'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'ja'}); -- for |registration= if args_t['url-tilgang'] then -- translate value assigned to |url-access= TODO: make this into a shared function? local values = {['abonnement'] = 'subscription', ['registrering'] = 'registration', ['begrenset'] = 'limited', ['åpen'] = 'åpen'}; -- 'åpen' not supported; include it to get the error message table.insert (cite_args_t, 'url-access=' .. (values[args_t['url-tilgang']] or args_t['url-tilgang'])); args_t['url-tilgang'] = nil; end isxn_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'isbn', {'isbn', 'isbn13'}, {'ignorer-isbn-feil', 'ignorerisbnfeil'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'ja'}); if not args_t['navnelisteformat'] then name_list_style_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'sisteforfatteramp'}, {['*']='amp'}); end return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ N O >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite web/Norwegian}} ]] local function cite_book_no (frame) return _cite_no (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ N O >------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite journal/Norwegian}} ]] local function cite_journal_no (frame) return _cite_no (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ N E W S _ N O >------------------------------------------------------ entry point for {{cite news/Norwegian}} ]] local function cite_news_no (frame) return _cite_no (frame, 'cite news/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ N O >-------------------------------------------------------- entry point for {{cite web/Norwegian}} This function called by intermediate function cite_web_da_no() because and both use {{kilde www}} ]] local function cite_web_no (frame) return _cite_no (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ T R >-------------------------------------------------------------- implements {{Web kaynağı}} (:tr:Şablon:Web_kaynağı, :tr:Şablon:Akademik dergi kaynağı (journal)) ]] local function _cite_tr (frame, template) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local cite_args_t = {}; -- a sequence table that holds parameter=value strings (without pipes); for sorting -- special cases dates_and_language (args_t, cite_args_t, 'tr'); -- translate dates and language parameters url_status_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'ölüurl', 'ölü-url', 'bozukurl'}, {['hayır'] = true, ['h'] = true, ['no'] = true}); if not (args_t['url-access'] or args_t['url-erişimi'] or args_t['URLerişimi']) then url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'subscription', {'subscription'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'e', 'evet', 'doğru'}) url_access_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'registration', {'registration'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'e', 'evet', 'doğru'}) end isxn_make (args_t, cite_args_t, 'isbn', {'isbn', 'isbn13'}, {'ignore-isbn-error', 'ignoreisbnerror'}, {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'e', 'evet', 'doğru'}); name_list_style_make (args_t, cite_args_t, {'last-author-amp', 'lastauthoramp', 'sonyazarve'}, {['*']='amp'}); -- listed in ~/Whitelist and ~/Configuration (SonYazarVe) not supported in main return render (frame, args_t, cite_args_t,, template); -- now go render the citation end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ T R >------------------------------------------------------ implements {{Web kaynağı}} (:tr:Şablon:Web_kaynağı) ]] local function cite_book_tr (frame) return _cite_tr (frame, 'cite book/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ J O U R N A L _ T R >------------------------------------------------ implements {{Akademik dergi kaynağı}} (:tr:Şablon:Akademik dergi kaynağı) ]] local function cite_journal_tr (frame) return _cite_tr (frame, 'cite journal/subst'); end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ T R >-------------------------------------------------------- implements {{Web kaynağı}} (:tr:Şablon:Web_kaynağı) ]] local function cite_web_tr (frame) return _cite_tr (frame, 'cite web/subst'); end --[[=========================<< I N T E R M E D I A T E F U N C T I O N S >>================================= ]] --[[--------------------------< _ C I T E _ E S _ I T >-------------------------------------------------------- Because the Spanish and Italian templates {{cita news}}, {{cita libro}}, and {{cita web}} share the names but nothing else, they must be distinguished one from the other. This is done by looking at their (required) title parameters: título – Spanish titolo – Italian <funct_t> is a k/v table where k is the ISO 639-1 language code (es: Spanish; it: Italian) and v is the matching funtion that handles this {{cita news}}, {{cita libro}}, or {{cita web}} template supports positional parameters for <url> ({{{1}}}) and <title> ({{{2}}}); because it is necessary to use the |title= equivalent to determine which function to call, the positional parameters are not supported. ]] local function _cite_es_it (frame, funct_t) local f_title = frame.args['título']; -- look for Spanish |title= parameter in the frame local p_title = frame:getParent().args['título']; -- and in the parent frame if (f_title and '' ~= f_title) or (p_title and '' ~= p_title) then -- when set and not be an empty string return (frame); -- call the Spanish version end f_title = frame.args['titolo']; -- look for Italian |title= parameter p_title = frame:getParent().args['titolo']; if (f_title and '' ~= f_title) or (p_title and '' ~= p_title) then -- when set and not be an empty string return (frame); -- call the Italian version end -- when here return an error message return '<span style="color:#d33">{{cita book/news/web}} requires |título= (Spanish) or |titolo= (Italian)</span>'; end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ B O O K _ E S _ I T >------------------------------------------------ use common function _cite_es_it to determine which of cite_book_es() or cite_book_it() should be used to handle this {{cita libro}} template. ]] local function cite_book_es_it (frame) return _cite_es_it (frame, {es = cite_book_es, it = cite_book_it}); -- determine which language (Spanish or Italian) and then call the appropriate function end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ N E W S _ E S _ I T >------------------------------------------------ use common function _cite_es_it to determine which of cite_news_es() or cite_news_it() should be used to handle this {{cita news}} template. ]] local function cite_news_es_it (frame) return _cite_es_it (frame, {es = cite_news_es, it = cite_news_it}); -- determine which language (Spanish or Italian) and then call the appropriate function end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ E S _ I T >-------------------------------------------------- use common function _cite_es_it to determine which of cite_web_es() or cite_web_it() should be used to handle this {{cita web}} template. ]] local function cite_web_es_it (frame) return _cite_es_it (frame, {es = cite_web_es, it = cite_web_it}); -- determine which language (Spanish or Italian) and then call the appropriate function end --[[--------------------------< C I T E _ W E B _ D A _ N O >-------------------------------------------------- implements {{cite web/Danish}} (da:Skabelon:Kilde_www and no:Mal:Kilde_www) this function counts the number of parameter names that are listed in params_main_t.da and and then from those counts, decides which of cite_web_da() or cite_web_no() to call. ]] local function cite_web_da_no (frame) local args_t = {}; -- a table of k/v pairs that holds the template's parameters args_get (frame, args_t); -- get the parameters and their values local count_da = 0; -- number of parameter that are listed in <params_main_t.da> local count_no = 0; -- number of parameter that are listed in <> for k, _ in pairs (args_t) do -- for each parameter in <args_t> for _, map_t in ipairs ({params_main_t, params_misc_dates_t}) do -- and for each of these tables for _, code in ipairs ({'da', 'no'}) do -- and for each of these language codes if map_t[code][k] and 'da' == code then -- when this is a Danish parameter count_da = count_da + 1; -- bump the Danish counter end if map_t[code][k] and 'no' == code then -- when this is a Norwegian parameter count_no = count_no + 1; -- bump the Norwegian counter end end end end if count_da >= count_no then -- when count of params greater than or equal to count of parms return cite_web_da (frame); -- assume this is a cite web else return cite_web_no (frame); -- else assume this is a cite web end end --[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------ ]] return { citation_pl = citation_pl, -- pl:Szablon:Cytuj cite_book_da = cite_book_da, -- da:Skabelon:Kilde bog cite_book_de = cite_book_de, -- de:Vorlage:Literatur -- cite_book_es = cite_book_es, -- es:Plantilla:Cita libro cite_book_fi = cite_book_fi, -- fi:Malline:Kirjaviite cite_book_fr = cite_book_fr, -- fr:Modèle:Ouvrage -- cite_book_it = cite_book_it, -- it:Template:Cita libro cite_book_nl = cite_book_nl, -- nl:Sjabloon:Citeer boek cite_book_no = cite_book_no, -- no:Mal:Kilde bok cite_book_pl = cite_book_pl, -- pl:Szablon:Cytuj książkę cite_book_pt = cite_book_pt, -- pt:Predefinição:citar livro cite_book_sv = cite_book_sv, -- sv:Mall:Bokref cite_book_tr = cite_book_tr, -- tr:Şablon: cite_journal_da = cite_journal_da, -- da:Skabelon:Kilde tidsskrift / da:Skabelon:Kilde artikel ( prefers da:Skabelon:cite journal) cite_journal_es = cite_journal_es, -- es:Plantilla:Cita publicación cite_journal_fi = cite_journal_fi, -- fi:Malline:Lehtiviite cite_journal_fr = cite_journal_fr, -- fr:Modèle:Article cite_journal_it = cite_journal_it, -- it:Template:Cita pubblicazione cite_journal_nl = cite_journal_nl, -- nl:Sjabloon:Citeer journal cite_journal_no = cite_journal_no, -- no:Mal:Kilde artikkel cite_journal_pl = cite_journal_pl, -- pl:Szablon:Cytuj pismo cite_journal_pt = cite_journal_pt, -- pt:Predefinição:citar periódico cite_journal_sv = cite_journal_sv, -- sv:Mall:Tidskriftsref cite_journal_tr = cite_journal_tr, -- tr:Şablon:Akademik dergi kaynağı cite_news_ca = cite_news_ca, -- ca:Plantilla:Ref-publicació cite_news_es = cite_news_es, -- en:Template:Cite news/Spanish; for cita news see cite_news_es_it() cite_news_it = cite_news_it, -- en:Template:Cite news/Italian; for cita news see cite_news_es_it() cite_news_no = cite_news_no, -- no:Mal:Kilde avis cite_news_pt = cite_news_pt, -- pt:Predefinição:citar jornal cite_web_ca = cite_web_ca, -- ca:Plantilla:Ref-web cite_web_da = cite_web_da, -- da:Skabelon:Kilde www or da:Skabelon:Cite web cite_web_de = cite_web_de, -- de:Vorlage:Internetquelle cite_web_es = cite_web_es, -- es:Plantilla:Cita web cite_web_fi = cite_web_fi, -- fi:Malline:Verkkoviite cite_web_fr = cite_web_fr, -- fr:Modèle:Lien web cite_web_it = cite_web_it, -- it:Template:Cita web cite_web_nl = cite_web_nl, -- nl:Sjabloon:Citeer web cite_web_no = cite_web_no, -- no:Mal:Kilde www cite_web_pl = cite_web_pl, -- pl:Szablon:Cytuj stronę cite_web_pt = cite_web_pt, -- pt:Predefinição:citar web cite_web_sv = cite_web_sv, -- sv:Mall:Webbref cite_web_tr = cite_web_tr, cite_book_es_it = cite_book_es_it, -- common entry point for {{cita book}} (Spanish es:Plantilla:Cita libro / Italian it:Template:Cita libro) -- cite_libro_es_it = cite_book_es_it, -- common entry point for {{cita book}} (Spanish es:Plantilla:Cita libro / Italian it:Template:Cita libro) cite_news_es_it = cite_news_es_it, -- common entry point for {{cita news}} (Spanish es:Plantilla:Cita noticia / Italian it:Template:Cita news) cite_web_es_it = cite_web_es_it, -- common entry point for {{cita web}} (Spanish es:Plantilla:Cita web / Italian it:Template:Cita web) cite_web_da_no = cite_web_da_no, -- common entry point for {{cite web/Danish or Norwegian}} (Danish da:Skabelon:Kilde www / Norwegian no:Mal:Kilde www) }