
local p = {}

-- Public functions
-- _getValue makes the functionality of getValue available to other modules
-- Dependencies: setRanks; parseInput; propertyvalueandquals; assembleoutput; parseParam; sourced;
-- labelOrId; i18n.latestdatequalifier; format_Date; makeOrdinal; roundto; decimalPrecision; decimalToDMS;
p._getValue = function(args)
	return ""

-- getValue is used to get the value(s) of a property
-- The property ID is passed as the first unnamed parameter and is required.
-- A locally supplied parameter may optionaly be supplied as the second unnamed parameter.
-- The function will now also return qualifiers if parameter qual is supplied
-- Dependencies: _getValue; setRanks; parseInput; propertyvalueandquals; assembleoutput; parseParam; sourced;
-- labelOrId; i18n.latestdatequalifier; format_Date; makeOrdinal; roundto; decimalPrecision; decimalToDMS;
p.getValue = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getPreferredValue is used to get a value,
-- (or a comma separated list of them if multiple values exist).
-- If preferred ranks are set, it will return those values, otherwise values with normal ranks
-- now redundant to getValue with |rank=best
-- Dependencies: p.getValue; setRanks; parseInput; propertyvalueandquals; assembleoutput;
-- parseParam; sourced; labelOrId; i18n.latestdatequalifier; format_Date;
-- makeOrdinal; roundto; decimalPrecision; decimalToDMS;
p.getPreferredValue = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getCoords is used to get coordinates for display in an infobox
-- whitelist and blacklist are implemented
-- optional 'display' parameter is allowed, defaults to nil - was "inline, title"
-- Dependencies: setRanks(); parseInput(); decimalPrecision();
p.getCoords = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getQualifierValue is used to get a formatted value of a qualifier
-- The call needs:	a property (the unnamed parameter or 1=)
-- 					a target value for that property (pval=)
--					a qualifier for that target value (qual=)
-- The usual whitelisting and blacklisting of the property is implemented
-- The boolean onlysourced= parameter can be set to return nothing
-- when the property is unsourced (or only sourced to Wikipedia)
-- Dependencies: parseParam(); setRanks(); parseInput(); sourced();
-- propertyvalueandquals(); assembleoutput();
-- labelOrId(); i18n.latestdatequalifier(); format_Date();
-- findLang(); makeOrdinal(); roundto(); decimalPrecision(); decimalToDMS();
p.getQualifierValue = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getSumOfParts scans the property 'has part' (P527) for values matching a list.
-- The list is passed in parameter vlist.
-- It consists of a string of Qids separated by spaces or any usual punctuation.
-- If the matched values have a qualifier 'quantity' (P1114), those quantities are summed.
-- The sum is returned as a number or nothing if zero.
-- Dependencies: _getsumofparts;
p.getSumOfParts = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getValueByQual gets the value of a property which has a qualifier with a given entity value
-- The call needs:
--					a property ID (the unnamed parameter or 1=Pxxx)
--					the ID of a qualifier for that property (qualID=Pyyy)
--					either the Wikibase-entity ID of a value for that qualifier (qvalue=Qzzz)
--					or a string value for that qualifier (qvalue=abc123)
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented
-- Dependencies: _getvaluebyqual; parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced;
-- assembleoutput;
p.getValueByQual = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getValueByLang gets the value of a property which has a qualifier P407
-- ("language of work or name") whose value has the given language code
-- The call needs:
--					a property ID (the unnamed parameter or 1=Pxxx)
--					the MediaWiki language code to match the language (lang=xx[-yy])
--					(if no code is supplied, it uses the default language)
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented
-- Dependencies: _getvaluebyqual; parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced; assembleoutput;
p.getValueByLang = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getValueByRefSource gets the value of a property which has a reference "stated in" (P248)
-- whose value has the given entity-ID.
-- The call needs:
--					a property ID (the unnamed parameter or 1=Pxxx)
--					the entity ID of a value to match where the reference is stated in (match=Qzzz)
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented
-- Dependencies: parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced; propertyvalueandquals assembleoutput;
p.getValueByRefSource = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getPropertyIDs takes most of the usual parameters.
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented.
-- It returns the Entity-IDs (Qids) of the values of a property if it is a Wikibase-Entity.
-- Otherwise it returns nothing.
-- Dependencies: parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced; propertyvalueandquals assembleoutput;
p._getPropertyIDs = function(args)
	return ""

p.getPropertyIDs = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getQualifierIDs takes most of the usual parameters.
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented.
-- It takes a property-id as the first unnamed parameter, and an optional parameter qlist
-- which is a list of qualifier property-ids to search for (default is "ALL")
-- It returns the Entity-IDs (Qids) of the values of a property if it is a Wikibase-Entity.
-- Otherwise it returns nothing.
-- Dependencies: parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced; propertyvalueandquals assembleoutput;
p.getQualifierIDs = function(frame)
		return ""

-- getPropOfProp takes two propertyIDs: prop1 and prop2 (as well as the usual parameters)
-- If the value(s) of prop1 are of type "wikibase-item" then it returns the value(s) of prop2
-- of each of those wikibase-items.
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented
-- Dependencies: parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced; propertyvalueandquals assembleoutput;
p._getPropOfProp = function(args)
	return ""

p.getPropOfProp = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getAwardCat takes most of the usual parameters. If the item has values of P166 (award received),
-- then it examines each of those awards for P2517 (category for recipients of this award).
-- If it exists, it returns the corresponding category,
-- with the item's P734 (family name) as sort key, or no sort key if there is no family name.
-- The sort key may be overridden by the parameter |sortkey (alias |sk).
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented
-- Dependencies: parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced; propertyvalueandquals assembleoutput;
p.getAwardCat = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getIntersectCat takes most of the usual parameters.
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented
-- It takes two properties, |prop1 and |prop2 (e.g. occupation and country of citizenship)
-- Each property's value is a wiki-base entity
-- For each value of the first parameter (ranks implemented) it fetches the value's main category
-- and then each value of the second parameter (possibly substituting a simpler description)
-- then it returns all of the categories representing the intersection of those properties,
-- (e.g. Category:Actors from Canada). A joining term may be supplied (e.g. |join=from).
-- The item's P734 (family name) is the sort key, or no sort key if there is no family name.
-- The sort key may be overridden by the parameter |sortkey (alias |sk).
-- Dependencies: parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced; propertyvalueandquals assembleoutput;
p.getIntersectCat = function(frame)
	return ""

-- qualsToTable takes most of the usual parameters.
-- The usual whitelisting, blacklisting, onlysourced, etc. are implemented.
-- A qid may be given, and the first unnamed parameter is the property ID, which is of type wikibase item.
-- It takes a list of qualifier property IDs as |quals=
-- For a given qid and property, it creates the rows of an html table,
-- each row being a value of the property (optionally only if the property matches the value in |pval= )
-- each cell being the first value of the qualifier corresponding to the list in |quals
-- Dependencies: parseParam; setRanks; parseInput; sourced;
p.qualsToTable = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getGlobe takes an optional qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid=
-- otherwise it uses the linked item for the current page.
-- If returns the Qid of the globe used in P625 (coordinate location),
-- or nil if there isn't one.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getGlobe = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getCommonsLink takes an optional qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid=
-- It returns one of the following in order of preference:
-- the Commons sitelink of the linked Wikidata item;
-- the Commons sitelink of the topic's main category of the linked Wikidata item;
-- Dependencies: _getCommonslink(); _getSitelink(); parseParam()
p.getCommonsLink = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getSitelink takes the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid=
-- It takes an optional parameter |wiki= to determine which wiki is to be checked for a sitelink
-- If the parameter is blank, then it uses the local wiki.
-- If there is a sitelink to an article available, it returns the plain text link to the article
-- If there is no sitelink, it returns nil.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getSiteLink = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getLink has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=
-- If there is a sitelink to an article on the local Wiki, it returns a link to the article
-- with the Wikidata label as the displayed text.
-- If there is no sitelink, it returns the label as plain text.
-- If there is no label in the local language, it displays the qid instead.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getLink = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getLabel has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=
-- It returns the Wikidata label for the local language as plain text.
-- If there is no label in the local language, it displays the qid instead.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getLabel = function(frame)
	return ""

-- label has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=
-- if no qid is supplied, it uses the qid associated with the current page.
-- It returns the Wikidata label for the local language as plain text.
-- If there is no label in the local language, it returns nil.
-- Dependencies: none
p.label = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getAT (Article Title)
-- has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=
-- If there is a sitelink to an article on the local Wiki, it returns the sitelink as plain text.
-- If there is no sitelink or qid supplied, it returns nothing.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getAT = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getDescription has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid=
-- (it defaults to the associated qid of the current article if omitted)
-- and a local parameter passed as the first unnamed parameter.
-- Any local parameter passed (other than "Wikidata" or "none") becomes the return value.
-- It returns the article description for the Wikidata entity if the local parameter is "Wikidata".
-- Nothing is returned if the description doesn't exist or "none" is passed as the local parameter.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getDescription = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getAliases has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid=
-- (it defaults to the associated qid of the current article if omitted)
-- and a local parameter passed as the first unnamed parameter.
-- It implements blacklisting and whitelisting with a field name of "alias" by default.
-- Any local parameter passed becomes the return value.
-- Otherwise it returns the aliases for the Wikidata entity with the usual list options.
-- Nothing is returned if the aliases do not exist.
-- Dependencies: findLang(); assembleoutput()
p.getAliases = function(frame)
	return ""

-- pageId returns the page id (entity ID, Qnnn) of the current page
-- returns nothing if the page is not connected to Wikidata
-- Dependencies: none
p.pageId = function(frame)
	return ""

-- formatDate is a wrapper to export the private function format_Date
-- Dependencies: format_Date();
p.formatDate = function(frame)
	return format_Date(frame.args[1], frame.args.df, frame.args.bc)

-- location is a wrapper to export the private function _location
-- it takes the entity-id as qid or the first unnamed parameter
-- optional boolean parameter first toggles the display of the first item
-- optional boolean parameter skip toggles the display to skip to the last item
-- parameter debug=<y/n> (default 'n') adds error msg if not a location
-- Dependencies: _location();
p.location = function(frame)
	return ""

-- checkBlacklist implements a test to check whether a named field is allowed
-- returns true if the field is not blacklisted (i.e. allowed)
-- returns false if the field is blacklisted (i.e. disallowed)
-- {{#if:{{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkBlacklist |name=Joe |suppressfields=Dave; Joe; Fred}} | not blacklisted | blacklisted}}
-- displays "blacklisted"
-- {{#if:{{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkBlacklist |name=Jim |suppressfields=Dave; Joe; Fred}} | not blacklisted | blacklisted}}
-- displays "not blacklisted"
-- Dependencies: none
p.checkBlacklist = function(frame)
	return ""

-- emptyor returns nil if its first unnamed argument is just punctuation, whitespace or html tags
-- otherwise it returns the argument unchanged (including leading/trailing space).
-- If the argument may contain "=", then it must be called explicitly:
-- |1=arg
-- (In that case, leading and trailing spaces are trimmed)
-- It finds use in infoboxes where it can replace tests like:
-- {{#if: {{#invoke:WikidatIB |getvalue |P99 |fwd=ALL}} | <span class="xxx">{{#invoke:WikidatIB |getvalue |P99 |fwd=ALL}}</span> | }}
-- with a form that uses just a single call to Wikidata:
-- {{#invoke |WikidataIB |emptyor |1= <span class="xxx">{{#invoke:WikidataIB |getvalue |P99 |fwd=ALL}}</span> }}
-- Dependencies: none
p.emptyor = function(frame)
	return ""

-- labelorid is a public function to expose the output of labelOrId()
-- Pass the Q-number as |qid= or as an unnamed parameter.
-- It returns the Wikidata label for that entity or the qid if no label exists.
-- Dependencies: labelOrId
p.labelorid = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getLang returns the MediaWiki language code of the current content.
-- If optional parameter |style=full, it returns the language name.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getLang = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getItemLangCode takes a qid parameter (using the current page's qid if blank)
-- If the item for that qid has property country (P17) it looks at the first preferred value
-- If the country has an official language (P37), it looks at the first preferred value
-- If that official language has a language code (P424), it returns the first preferred value
-- Otherwise it returns nothing.
-- Dependencies: _getItemLangCode()
p.getItemLangCode = function(frame)
	return ""

-- findLanguage exports the local findLang() function
-- It takes an optional language code and returns, in order of preference:
-- the code if a known language;
-- the user's language, if set;
-- the server's content language.
-- Dependencies: findLang
p.findLanguage = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getQid returns the qid, if supplied
-- failing that, the Wikidata entity ID of the "category's main topic (P301)", if it exists
-- failing that, the Wikidata entity ID associated with the current page, if it exists
-- otherwise, nothing
-- Dependencies: none
p.getQid = function(frame)
	return ""

-- followQid takes four optional parameters: qid, props, list and all.
-- If qid is not given, it uses the qid for the connected page
-- or returns nil if there isn't one.
-- props is a list of properties, separated by punctuation.
-- If props is given, the Wikidata item for the qid is examined for each property in turn.
-- If that property contains a value that is another Wikibase-item, that item's qid is returned,
-- and the search terminates, unless |all=y when all of the qids are returned, separated by spaces.
-- If |list= is set to a template, the qids are passed as arguments to the template.
-- If props is not given, the qid is returned.
-- Dependencies: parseParam()
p._followQid = function(args)
	return ""

p.followQid = function(frame)
	return ""

-- globalSiteID returns the globalSiteID for the current wiki
-- e.g. returns "enwiki" for the English Wikipedia, "enwikisource" for English Wikisource, etc.
-- Dependencies: none
p.globalSiteID = function(frame)
	return ""

-- siteID returns the root of the globalSiteID
-- e.g. "en" for "enwiki", "enwikisource", etc.
-- treats "en-gb" as "en", etc.
-- Dependencies: none
p.siteID = function(frame)
	return ""

-- projID returns the code used to link to the reader's language's project
-- e.g "en" for [[:en:WikidataIB]]
-- treats "en-gb" as "en", etc.
-- Dependencies: none
p.projID = function(frame)
	return ""

-- formatNumber formats a number according to the the supplied language code ("|lang=")
-- or the default language if not supplied.
-- The number is the first unnamed parameter or "|num="
-- Dependencies: findLang()
p.formatNumber = function(frame)
	return ""

-- examine dumps the property (the unnamed parameter or pid)
-- from the item given by the parameter 'qid' (or the other unnamed parameter)
-- or from the item corresponding to the current page if qid is not supplied.
-- e.g. {{#invoke:WikidataIB |examine |pid=P26 |qid=Q42}}
-- or {{#invoke:WikidataIB |examine |P26 |Q42}} or any combination of these
-- or {{#invoke:WikidataIB |examine |P26}} for the current page.
-- Dependencies: none
p.examine = function( frame )
	return ""

-- checkvalue looks for 'val' as a wikibase-item value of a property (the unnamed parameter or pid)
-- from the item given by the parameter 'qid'
-- or from the Wikidata item associated with the current page if qid is not supplied.
-- It only checks ranks that are requested (preferred and normal by default)
-- If property is not supplied, then P31 (instance of) is assumed.
-- It returns val if found or nothing if not found.
-- e.g. {{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkvalue |val=Q5 |pid=P31 |qid=Q42}}
-- or {{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkvalue |val=Q5 |P31 |qid=Q42}}
-- or {{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkvalue |val=Q5 |qid=Q42}}
-- or {{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkvalue |val=Q5 |P31}} for the current page.
-- Dependencies: none
p.checkvalue = function( frame )
	return ""

-- url2 takes a parameter url= that is a proper url and formats it for use in an infobox.
-- If no parameter is supplied, it returns nothing.
-- This is the equivalent of Template:URL
-- but it keeps the "edit at Wikidata" pen icon out of the microformat.
-- Usually it will take its url parameter directly from a Wikidata call:
-- e.g. {{#invoke:WikidataIB |url2 |url={{wdib |P856 |qid=Q23317 |fwd=ALL |osd=no}} }}
-- Dependencies: none
p.url2 = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getWebsite fetches the Official website (P856) and formats it for use in an infobox.
-- This is similar to Template:Official website but with a url displayed,
-- and it adds the "edit at Wikidata" pen icon beyond the microformat if enabled.
-- A local value will override the Wikidata value. "NONE" returns nothing.
-- e.g. {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getWebsite |qid= |noicon= |lang= |url= }}
-- Dependencies: findLang(); parseParam();
p.getWebsite = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getAllLabels fetches the set of labels and formats it for display as wikitext.
-- It takes a parameter 'qid' for arbitrary access, otherwise it uses the current page.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getAllLabels = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getAllDescriptions fetches the set of descriptions and formats it for display as wikitext.
-- It takes a parameter 'qid' for arbitrary access, otherwise it uses the current page.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getAllDescriptions = function(frame)
	return ""

-- getAllAliases fetches the set of aliases and formats it for display as wikitext.
-- It takes a parameter 'qid' for arbitrary access, otherwise it uses the current page.
-- Dependencies: none
p.getAllAliases = function(frame)
	return ""

-- showNoLinks displays the article titles that should not be linked.
-- Dependencies: none
p.showNoLinks = function(frame)
	return ""

-- checkValidity checks whether the first unnamed parameter represents a valid entity-id,
-- that is, something like Q1235 or P123.
-- It returns the strings "true" or "false".
-- Change false to nil to return "true" or "" (easier to test with #if:).
-- Dependencies: none
function p.checkValidity(frame)
	return ""

-- getEntityFromTitle returns the Entity-ID (Q-number) for a given title.
-- Modification of Module:ResolveEntityId
-- The title is the first unnamed parameter.
-- The site parameter determines the site/language for the title. Defaults to current wiki.
-- The showdab parameter determines whether dab pages should return the Q-number or nil. Defaults to true.
-- Returns the Q-number or nil if it does not exist.
-- Dependencies: parseParam
function p.getEntityFromTitle(frame)
	return ""

-- getDatePrecision returns the number representing the precision of the first best date value
-- for the given property.
-- It takes the qid and property ID
-- The meanings are given at
-- 0 = 1 billion years .. 6 = millennium, 7 = century, 8 = decade, 9 = year, 10 = month, 11 = day
-- Returns 0 (or the second unnamed parameter) if the Wikidata does not exist.
-- Dependencies: parseParam; sourced;
function p.getDatePrecision(frame)
	return ""

return p