New Age

The New Age, also called the New Age movement is a kind of spiritual belief and way of life held by some westerners. It is not an organized religion nor a new religious movement (NRM). They believe in religious pluralism - that people are free to decide what they believe and how they use it in their lives. They pick and mix what they believe with bits taken from both eastern and western culture and religions. They make their own decisions about what God is and how they worship God, if they even believe in God at all. New Age people often meditate, sometimes to seek their own contact with God.
Many authors describe how they see the New Age in books. There is also New Age music which tends to be calm and relaxing.
New Age people say a time is coming when people will be more aware of their own special spiritual nature and this will make the world a different and better place. This is sometimes called the Age of Aquarius, hence the name.
New Age Media
This barrel house was the first dwelling constructed at the Findhorn Ecovillage.
New Age shrine in Glastonbury, England
Reiki is one of the alternative therapies commonly found in the New Age movement.
Stonehenge is a site visited by New Age pilgrims, as seen in this midsummer rave.
The New World Alliance was one of several New Age political groups in the 1970s and 1980s.
New Age author Marianne Williamson campaigned for a seat in the U.S. Congress and for the Democratic Party nomination for president.