Night sky

Night sky is the sky in the nighttime or in the late twilight. Often, in that time some astronomical objects appear on the sky that are not present in the daytime. Such astronomical objects as Moon, stars, planets. But you can see them only when the sky is clear, and if you are away from light pollution.
Night Sky Media
The Milky Way is brighter in the Southern Hemisphere than in the North. (Photo taken at La Silla Observatory)
Paranal Observatory nights. The concept of noctcaelador tackles the aesthetic perception of the night sky.
Video of the night sky taken with DSLR cameras in Japan.
This series of photo illustrations shows the predicted merger between the Milky Way galaxy and the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy.
A Southern Hemisphere starchart.
A Northern Hemisphere starchart.
Some major asterisms, featuring many of the brightests stars in the night sky on a celestial map.
Main dark nebulae of the Solar apex half of the galactic plane.