
Postgenderism means 'beyond gender'.

The word is used to describe the idea, the social current or the evolution that fades or gets rid of gender and/or sex in humans and society.

It is also used to describe a set of social norms or a persons identity that goes beyond classical gender and sex-determinations and places them in the past, let them fade or dissapear.

Postgenderism argues that marking people into different sex of gender groups and gender roles is not needed and results in a limitation on the possibilities of people and what they can achieve in life.

It foresees that gender will disappear with humans that don't want this, as a result of always changing ways the human species organises their lives and as a result of new technology advances.[1]


  1. Dvorsky, George (2008). "Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary". Retrieved 2008-04-13. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)