RPK machine gun
(Redirected from RPK)
The RPK is a Soviet machine gun that was designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. The RPK is a replacement of the older RPD. The RPK production began in 1961 and ended in 1978. The RPK-74 began in 1974 replacing the older RPK. The RPK was based on the AK-47. The RPK was used by the NVA and Viet Congs in the Vietnam War.
RPK Machine Gun Media
A comparison view of the AK-74 (top) and RPK-74 (bottom)
Molot Vepr-12 at the ARMS & Hunting 2012 exhibition in Moscow
Soldier of National Guard of Ukraine with the RPK.
A Triple Canopy contractor gives a marksmanship class on the Zastava M-72 machine gun to two US Army soldiers.