Stamp collector
A stamp collector or philatelist collects postage stamps as a hobby. Stamp collectors normally keep the stamps in books called stamp albums. A philatelist can study various aspects of definitive stamps and other types of stamps, cancellations, and other philatelic materials.
Some philatelic terms
Stamp collecting clubs
There are many stamp collecting clubs around the world. Belonging to a stamp club or philatelic society has many advantages. For example, Royal Philatelic Society of Canada[1] members receive magazines, can get help with questions through phone support, and purchase insurance for their collections at a discounted group rate.
Stamp Collector Media
Le Philatéliste by François Barraud (1929).
Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Van de PollReportage / Serie : Dag uit het leven van de familie Svendsen*Beschrijving : Jongen bezig met een postzegelverzameling*Datum : maart 1954*Locatie : Denemarken*Trefwoorden : dagelijks leven, filatelie, huiselijkheid, huisraad, interieurs, jongens, kinderen, meubilair, postzegels, tafels, thuis, verzamelingen, vrijetijdsbesteding*Persoonsnaam : Svendsen, [...]*Fotograaf : Poll, Willem van de, [onbekend]*Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief *Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit)*Nummer archiefi
Queen Victoria's profile was a staple on 19th century stamps of the British Empire, shown here on a half-penny stamp of the Falkland Islands, 1891.
A large stamp show of Stampex 2011 containing a bourse at which collectors and dealers meet.
John Lennon's stamp album
Stamp tongs with rounded tips help to prevent damage to stamps from skin oils and rough handling