Vegeta also known as Prince Vegeta IV is a fictional character from the manga Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama , where he is firstly introduced as an antagonist alongside his companion Nappa for Goku. Later in the story he became an ally for Goku and his friends, even if he develops a friendly rivalry with Goku. He also marries Bulma and he becomes father of Trunks and Bulla. His popularity is only second to Goku himself. Due to his popularity he appareaes in Dragon Ball Z , Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super.
Dragon Ball character | |
Created by | Akira Toriyama |
Voiced by | Gianluca Iacono (Italian dub) |
Full name | Prince Vegeta |
Aliases |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Mercenary |
Spouse(s) |
Children |
Relatives |
Vegeta Media
Ryō Horikawa has been Vegeta's Japanese voice actor in every single piece of Dragon Ball media