Westminster is the central part of the City of Westminster, in London. It is on the north side of the River Thames. It contains the Houses of Parliament, Whitehall, Downing Street and Westminster Abbey.
Westminster is the official seat of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Westminster Media
Parishes and Places of the City and Liberty of Westminster. The lower Westbourne formed part of the western boundary, and Oxford Street the north
The Metropolitan Borough of Westminster was almost co-terminous with the older City and Liberty of Westminster, with ancient Oxford Street as the northern boundary.
John Norden's Map of Westminster (1593)
Westminster City Hall, completed in 1965
Emanuel Hospital, Westminster, 1890 by Philip Norman
Part of Charles Booth's poverty map showing Westminster in 1889. The colours of the streets represent the economic class of the residents: Yellow ("Upper-middle and Upper classes, Wealthy"), red ("Lower middle class – Well-to-do middle class"), pink ("Fairly comfortable good ordinary earnings"), blue ("Intermittent or casual earnings"), and black ("lowest class occasional labourers, street sellers, loafers, criminals and semi-criminals").