Yellow spot

Human eye cross-sectional view.

The yellow spot or macula is an oval yellow spot near the centre of the retina of the human eye. It has a size of 1.5 millimeters.

It is specialized for seeing things with highest clearness or visual acuity.

It is the area of best vision where maximum amount of cone cells are present.It is also known as fovea centralis and Macula Lutea. Most of the sensory cells are present at this spot. It is another name for the macula. It is subdivided into the umbo, foveola, foveal avascular zone, fovea, parafovea and perifovea areas. It has a diameter of 5.5mm in humans. They contain the pigment Iodopsin and respond to bright light and colour, because of which we can see stuff clearly around us. It lies at the back of the eye almost center of the horizontal axis of the eyeball.

It is responsible for the central, high-resolution, colour vision that is possible in good light; and this kind of vision is impaired if it is damaged. It is about 6mm in diameter. The yellow spot is the most sensitive spot on the retina, the sharpest image of the object forms only here.

It is the place where light is absorbed maximum

It is also called Macula lutea It is the depression of retina It is the place where large image is formed