1570 Concepción earthquake

The 1570 Concepción earthquake occurred at 9:00 (13:00 UTC), on February 8, 1570. The earthquake destroyed the town of Concepción. A tsunami was caused and aftershocks were reported for months after the earthquake.

1570 Concepción earthquake
Date {{{date}}}
Magnitude 8.3 Ms
Epicenter location 36°45′S 73°00′W / 36.75°S 73.00°W / -36.75; -73.00Coordinates: 36°45′S 73°00′W / 36.75°S 73.00°W / -36.75; -73.00
Countries or regions affected
Max. intensity XI MMI
Tsunami Yes
Aftershocks Yes, for about 5 months
Casualties Est. over 2000 [1]


  1. "Significant Earthquakes Database". ngdc.noaa.gov.