
In Egyptian mythology, Babi, also Baba,[1][2] was god in the form of a baboon. His name is translated as Bull of the baboons. This basically means Alpha male of all baboons or the chief of the baboons.[3] Because Baboons have many human characteristics, it was believed that they were dead ancestors.

The god Babi

Because baboons were thought to be the dead, Babi was felt to be an underworld deity.


  1. Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, The gods of the Egyptians: or, Studies in Egyptian mythology, Vol II, Methuen & Co. 1904, p. 91-92. full view on Google Books
  2. Geraldine Pinch, Handbook of Egyptian mythology, ABC-CLIO 2002, p. 112, ISBN 1576077632, limited preview on Google Books
  3. George Hart, The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Routledge 2005, p.44