
A bag is a kind of soft container. It can hold or carry things. It may be made from cloth, leather, plastic, or paper. Many bags are disposable but some are made to use for a long time. A bag may have one or two handles or a shoulder strap. Bags come in different shapes and sizes depending on how they will be used. A small bag that can be carried with a single hand is sometimes called a handbag, purse, or pocketbook. Children can suffocate, or stop breathing and die, when they put certain kinds of bags over their heads, due to having the supply of oxygen cut off.
Bag Media
Pouch, Arapaho (Native American), late 19th or early 20th century, Brooklyn Museum
Official waste disposal bag from Basel, Switzerland
Jute bags (gunny sacks) of coffee
Other websites
Media related to Bag at Wikimedia Commons