Darya Chultsova

Darya Chultsova (Belarusian: Дар’я Дзмітрыеўна Чульцова,[1] Russian: Дарья Дмитриевна Чульцова) (born on February 20, 1997, in Shklow, Mogilev Region, Belarus) is a journalist from Belarus. She worked for the television channel Belsat TV. She showed the event at the place where Raman Bandarenka was beaten to death in 2020. She was arrested there on November 15, 2020, in Minsk.

Darya Chultsova
Дар’я Дзмітрыеўна Чульцова
Born (1997-02-20) February 20, 1997 (age 28)
Alma materMogilev State A. Kuleshov University
Occupationjournalist, political prisoner
Known forbroadcasting from "Square of Changes [en]"
Criminal charge(s)actions that attack public order
Criminal penalty2 years in prison
AwardsJournalist of the Year (2020)
Award named after Dariusz Fikus (2021)
"Honor of Journalism" (2021)
Axel-Springer-Preis (2021)
Courage in Journalism Award (2021)
Preis für die Freiheit und Zukunft der Medien (2021)
Free Media Award [en] (2021)
Prix Europa [en] (2021)

Early life, education and career

She was born in Shklow. At an early age, she became interested in journalism. While at university, she worked for the website "Mogilev.Online". She studied in the Department of Journalism of Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, finishing in 2020. In 2020, she moved to the TV channel Belsat and worked there as a journalist.[2]

Criminal procedure

Together with journalist Katsyaryna Andreeva, she became a person in a criminal case on organizing actions that attack public order.[3] Both showed the event of a cruel attack of the police at the place where Raman Bandarenka was beaten to death and the people stood to support the dead one live.[4][5] That took place at the "Square of Changes [en]" ("Ploscha Peramen") in Minsk on November 15, 2020.[6]

She was not freed after the arrest there. Darya was moved to a prison in Zhodzina, where she was held until her court trial. On November 24, 2020, ten organizations (the Viasna Human Rights Centre, the Belarusian Association of Journalists, the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and others) made a joint statement.[7][8][9] It said that she is a political prisoner.[7][8][9]

At a Minsk court meeting led by the judge Natalia Buguk on February 18, 2021, Chultsova and Andreeva were sentenced to serve two years in prison for pushing 2020 Belarusian protests.[10][11] The state prosecutor was Alina Kasyanchyk, the detective was Ihar Kurylovich.[12]

On April 23, 2021, Minsk City Court said no to a request to call off or change the sentence.[13]


Kyiv, Ukraine, May 5, 2021. Support for Darya Chultsova (left), Katsyaryna Andreeva (right) in the middle of the picture

On February 8, 2021, the US Embassy in Belarus made a statement. It asked to make Chultsova and Andreeva free.[14]

On February 15, 2021, support for the political prisoner was undertaken by Tony Lloyd, a member of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom.[15]

Following the sentencing, on February 18, 2021, President of Poland Andrzej Duda made a public call to make Chultsova and Andreeva free.[16]

On June 21, 2021, the Council of the European Union made a decision to put those responsible for the punishment of the journalists in the list of people and organizations sanctioned in relation to human rights violations in Belarus [en].[17] Judge Natalia Buguk was put in the EU blacklist for frequent decisions against journalists and protesters in connection to politics.[12] One example of such verdicts was named.[12] It was the guilty verdict against Katsyaryna Bahvalava (Andreeva) and Darya Chultsova.[12] Prosecutor number two Alina Kasyanchyk was put in the list for the prosecution of the journalists.[12] She was held responsible for indictment of both journalists for "making electronic motion pictures of quiet protests that were named 'conspiracy' and 'violation of public order'" without cause.[12] Detective Ihar Kurylovich was put in the list for the preparation of the criminal case against the journalists.[12] He had made the criminal case ready in connection to politics.[12]



«[They are] strong in spirit, have no doubt in the right [of them], supported by friends, colleagues and the people that they do not know at all – such Katya and Dasha will be put in books," Aksana Kolb, editor-in-chief of Novy Chas, wrote two or three days before their sentencing.[30]

Darya Chultsova Media


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