Du Jinfang

Du Jinfang (杜近芳; 1932 – 17 April 2021) was a Chinese actress. She worked at the Experimental Peking Opera Troupe [zh] of the China National Peking Opera Company. She appeared in the 1972 movie The Red Detachment of Women. She was vice chairman of the All-China Youth Federation.[1][2]

Du Jinfang
Chinese opera star Tu Ching Fang VPL 41646 (10985083565) (cropped).jpg
19320s births: 19320-19321-19322-19323-19324-19325-19326-19327-19328-19329
This category has articles on people who were born in the year [[1932{{{2}}}]].[[Category:1932{{{2}}}|Births]]
Died (aged 89)

Jinfang died on 17 April 2021, aged 89.[2]


  1. "京剧演员杜近芳_京剧当红新秀". Archived from the original on 2016-08-17. Retrieved 2021-08-25.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wir trauern um Ursula Schumm-Garling (20.3.1938–20.4.2021)