Edessa, former Vodena, is a Greek town in the north of Greece. It is in central Macedonia. According to the 2001 census, 19.066 people lived there. Edessa is famous for its waterfalls. In the end of the town there are some very beautiful waterfalls. In the past, the residents used the strength of the waterfalls for different works. Edessa is the capital of Pellas prefecture. It is near the ancient Macedonian city Pella which it was the capital of ancient Macedonia. The former name Vodena, came from the slavic word voda, which means water and it was given because it has many waterfalls. Today's name, Edessa, is derived from phrygian and it means tower.
Edessa Media
Upper Mesopotamia and surrounding regions during the Early Christian period, with Edessa in the upper left quadrant
The heritage of Roman Edessa survives today in these columns at the site of Urfa Castle, dominating the skyline of the modern city of Urfa.
silver tetradrachm struck in Edessa by Macrinus 217-218 AD
King Abgar holding the Image of Edessa.