Gas exchange
Exchange of gases or gas exchange is carried out by organisms.
Animals breathe out carbon dioxide and breathe in oxygen. Plants use carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis, which makes oxygen. Plants only do this out during the day, when there is sunlight. Plants respire all day and night.
In the human respiratory system, gas exchange happens in the alveolus (alveoli for plural). These are in the lungs and help with diffusion. Oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream, from the air. Oxygen is used in aerobic respiration. Carbon dioxide diffuses out of the bloodstream, into the air. Carbon dioxide is a waste product made by respiration.[1]
Gas Exchange Media
Fig. 5. The changes in the composition of the alveolar air during a normal breathing cycle at rest. The scale on the left, and the blue line, indicate the partial pressures of carbon dioxide in kPa, while that on the right and the red line, indicate the partial pressures of oxygen, also in kPa (to convert kPa into mm Hg, multiply by 7.5).