Germanium is a chemical element. Its chemical symbol is Ge. Its atomic number is 32. It was discovered by Clemens Winkler. It is a shiny, hard, silver-white metalloid. The chemistry of Germanium is quite like tin. Germanium forms many organometallic compounds. It is an important semiconductor material used in transistors. Many of the earliest transistors were based on germanium. Most later ones were based on silicon. The sound of germanium-based amplifiers and effect pedals is associated with 1960s-era rock music. Germanium-based guitar pedals are still made and are often used for their classic sound.
Germanium Media
Samples of germanium compounds prepared by Freiberg University's Clemens Winkler, discoverer of the element
Germane is similar to methane.
Nucleophilic addition with an organogermanium compound.
A typical single-mode optical fiber. Germanium oxide is a dopant of the core silica (Item 1). Template:Olist*