Grand vizier
Grand Vizier, Sadr-ı Azam (Sadrazam) or Serdar-ı Ekrem (in Ottoman Turkish "صدر اعظم" or "وزیر اعظم"), was the most important minister of the Sultan. The Grand Vizier had absolute power of attorney and could only be removed by the Sultan. He held the imperial seal and he could gather all other viziers to attend meetings regarding state affairs. The title is derived originally from the Persian word "Vizier" (وزير). The title of Grand Vizier corresponds to that of a prime minister.
Grand Vizier Media
Grafik aus dem Klebeband Nr. 1 der Fürstlich Waldeckschen Hofbibliothek Arolsen*Illustration aus: Georg Greblinger: Wahre Abbildungen der Türckischen Kayser vnd Persischen Fürsten / so wol auch anderer Helden und Heldinnen von dem Osman / biß auf den andern Mahomet. Johann Ammon, Frankfurt 1648 Motiv: "Sinan Bassa Albanus" (wohl einer der Liste Sinan Pascha genannten Namensträger)
Qamar-ud-din Khan, Asif Jah I became viceroy of the Deccan in 1722 (after resigning as Grand Vizier).