A heptagon, also referred to as a septagon or 7-gon is a shape with 7 sides and 7 corners.
Regular heptagon
All sides of a regular heptagon are the same length. Each corner is about 147.27°. All corners added together are about equal to 6840°.
The amount of space a regular heptagon takes up is
- [math]\displaystyle{ A = \frac{7}{4}a^2 \cot \frac{\pi}{7} \simeq 3.634 a^2. }[/math]
a is the length of one of its sides.
Heptagon Media
Heptagon with given side length:*An animation from a neusis construction with marked ruler, according to David Johnson Leisk (Crockett Johnson).
The densest double lattice packing of the Euclidean plane by regular heptagons, conjectured to have the lowest maximum packing density of any convex set