Mila Rodino

"Mila Rodino" (Bulgarian: Мила Родино, say: MIL-ə-_-raw-DIN-oh, meaning "Dear Motherland") is the national anthem of Bulgaria. It was originally a song written and composed by a Bulgarian author and scientist named Cvetan Radoslavov in 1885, while he was on a mission to fight in the Serbo-Bulgarian War. It was first adopted in 1964 as the national anthem of the People's Republic of Bulgaria with different words. Then when Communism came to an end in Bulgaria in 1991, the Constitution of Bulgaria made "Dear Motherland" the national anthem once again, and has been to this day.[1][2]

Мила Родино
English: Dear Motherland
Coat of arms of Bulgaria.svg
National anthem of Bulgaria
LyricsCvetan Radoslavov, 1885
MusicCvetan Radoslavov, 1885
Adopted1964 (People's Republic of Bulgaria)
1971 (reaffirmed in the Živkov Constitution)
1991 (reaffirmed in the Constitution of Bulgaria)[1]


Previously, Bulgaria had used three other anthems. Before "Dear Motherland" became the national anthem, "Dear Bulgaria", "Our Republic, Hail!", and "Shumi Maritsa" were used.


Only the first verse and chorus are sung.

Current official

Words of the song in Bulgarian[3] Spelling of these words using the Latin alphabet Pronunciation of these words using the IPA Words of the song in English

Горда Стара планина,
До ней Дунава синей.
Слънце Тракия огрява,
Над Пирина пламеней.

𝄆 (Родино!) Мила Родино,
Ти си земен рай.
Твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
Ах, те нямат край. 𝄇

Паднаха борци безчет,
За народа наш любим.
Майко, дай ни мъжка сила,
Пътя им да продължим.


Дружно, братя българи,
С нас Москва е в мир и в бой.
Партия велика води,
Нашия победен строй.


Gorda Stara planina,
Do nej Dunava sinej.
Slǎnce Trakija ogrjava,
Nad Pirina plamenej.

𝄆 (Rodino!) Mila Rodino,
Ti si zemen raj.
Tvojta hubost, tvojta prelest,
Ah, te njamat kraj. 𝄇

Padnaha borci bezčet,
Za naroda naš ljubim.
Majko, daj ni mǎžka sila,
Pǎtja im da prodǎlžim.


Družno, bratja bǎlgari,
S nas Moskva e v mir i v boj.
Partija velika vodi,
Našija pobeden stroj.


[ˈɡɔr.d̪ɐ ˈs̪t̪a.rɐ pɫɐ.n̪i.ˈn̪a ǀ]
[d̪o̝ n̪ɛj ˈd̪u.n̪ɐ.vɐ ˈs̪i.n̪ɛj ǀ]
[ˈs̪ɫɤ̞n̪.t͡sɛ ˈt̪ra.k̟i.jɐ o̝ɡ.ˈrʲa̟.vɐ ǀ]
[n̪at̪ pi.ˈri.n̪ɐ pɫɐ.ˈmɛ.n̪ɛj ǁ]

𝄆 [(ˈrɔ.d̪i.n̪o̝ ǀ) ˈmi.ɫɐ ˈrɔ.d̪i.n̪o̝ ǀ]
[t̪i s̪i ˈz̪ɛ.mɛn̪ raj ǀ]
[ˈt̪fɔj.t̪ɐ xu.ˈbɔs̪t̪ ǀ ˈt̪fɔj.t̪ɐ ˈprɛ.lʲɛs̪t̪ ǀ]
[ax ǀ t̪ɛ ˈn̪ʲa̟.mɐt̪ kraj ǁ] 𝄇

[ˈpad̪.n̪ɐ.xɐ bo̝r.ˈt͡si bɛs̪.ˈt͡ʃɛt̪ ǀ]
[z̪ɐ n̪ɐ.ˈrɔ.d̪ɐ n̪aʃ lʲu̟.ˈbim ǀ]
[ˈmaj.ko̝ ǀ d̪aj n̪i ˈmɤ̞ʃ.kɐ ˈs̪i.ɫɐ ǀ]
[ˈpɤ̞.t̪ʲɐ im d̪ɐ pro̝.d̪əɫ.ˈʒim ǁ]


[ˈd̪ruʒ.n̪o̝ ǀ ˈbra.t̪ʲɐ ˈbɤ̞ɫ.gə.ri ǁ]
[s̪‿n̪as̪ mo̝.ˈs̪kfa ɛ‿v mir i‿v bɔj ǁ]
[ˈpar.t̪i.jɐ vɛ.ˈli.kɐ ˈvɔ.d̪i]
[ˈn̪a.ʃi.jɐ po̝.bɛ.ˈd̪ɛn̪ s̪t̪rɔj ǁ]


O thy Balkan Mounts noble,
By them the Danube sparkleth.
O'er Thrace the Sun beameth forth,
O'er Pirin blazeth forth.

𝄆 (Motherland!) O dear Motherland,
Thou Earth's Promised Land.
Thy beauty, thy loveliness,
Ah, forever boundless. 𝄇

For our people beloved,
Lives martyrs have sacrificed.
Mother, give us virile strength
For persevering their path.


As one, Bulgarian kins,
With Moscow in war and peace.
Lead by thy great Party,
Our regime of victory.


Original text

Words of the song in Bulgarian[4] Spelling of these words using the Latin alphabet Words of the song in English

Горда стара планина,
До ней север се синей.
Слънце Витош позлатява
Към Цариград се белей.

𝄆 Мила Родино,
Ти си земен рай.
Твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
Ах, те нямат край. 𝄇

Хайде братя българи,
Към Балкана да вървим.
Там се готви бой юнашки,
За свобода, правдини.


Родино мила, теб привет,
О, майко теб привет.
Теб Българийо чада сме,
Ти си наший дом свещен.


Ти си наший кът любим,
Кът за щастие отреден.
Мил си край незабравим,
С чудна прелест надарен.


Как щедро, майко, е
Земята твоя осеяна с брилянти.
Сред тях прекрасен свети
Балканът горд напет.


О, виж го как сияй!
Ний благоговеем пред него и пеем:


Gorda Stara Planina,
Do nej sever se sinej.
Slǎnce Vitoš pozlatjava
Kǎm Carigrad se belej.

𝄆 Mila Rodino,
Ti si zemen raj.
Tvojta hubost, tvojta prelest,
Ah, te njamat kraj. 𝄇

Hajde bratja bǎlgari,
Kǎm Balkana da vǎrvim.
Tam se gotvi boj junaški,
Za svoboda, pravdini.


Rodino mila, teb privet,
O, majko teb privet.
Teb Bǎlgarijo čada sme,
Ti si našij dom svešten.


Ti si našij kǎt ljubim,
Kǎt za štastie otreden.
Mil si kraj nezabravim,
S čudna prelest nadaren.


Kak štedro, majko, e
Zemjata tvoja osejana s briljanti.
Sred tjah prekrasen sveti
Balkanǎt gord napet.


O, viž go kak sijaj!
Nij blagogoveem pred nego i peem:


O the Balkan Mounts noble,
Beside it sparkleth the North.
Holy Sun Vitosha gildeth,
Toward Tsarigrad whitely shineth.
𝄆 O dear Motherland,
Thou Earth's Promised Land,
Thy beauty, thy loveliness,
Ah, forever boundless. 𝄇

Off we go Bulgarian kins,
Toward the Balkan Mounts.
There approacheth a heroic battle,
For freedom and for justice.


Dear Motherland, thee we greet,
O Mother, thee we welcome.
Thou are sons of Bulgaria,
Thou art our sacred home.


Thou art our playground cherished,
Thou art for happiness destined.
An ending unforgettable
With wondrous beauty endowed.


How generous, oh Mother,
Thy land aboundeth in diamonds,
'Mong these wonderful lights,
Proudly spruceth up the Balkans.


O look how 'tis radiant!
Before her, we'll reverence and chant:


In popular culture

In October 2017, a user on Reddit reported an incident where Siri thought that the national anthem of Bulgaria was "Despacito", a song by Luis Fonsi with Daddy Yankee in it. This bug was fixed afterwards.[5]

Mila Rodino Media


  1. 1.0 1.1химнът-на-българия-през-превратности.html "Химнът на България през превратностите на времето". Retrieved 17 July 2018.
  2. Archived 2020-06-15 at the Wayback Machine От „Горда Стара планина” до „Мила Родино”.
  3. "Народно събрание на Република България". Archived from the original on 2020-08-05. Retrieved 2020-06-16.
  4. History of the Bulgarian state symbols. Part three: The Bulgarian anthem (2005). Voynikov, Ivan.
  5. Molloy, Mark (5 October 2017). Siri mistakes Bulgaria's national anthem for Despacito song.